
Miss Ruby and the old man Daan was still quarreling with each other, While Lifeng already made his decision or perhaps you could say that he didn't stand a chance against three chibis in the argument.

"Can both of you stop bickering,"

Just as these words sounded in the room, everyone turned the awareness towards the young man sitting opposite them.

"I decided to join Black Rose," Lifeng spoke calmly.

"HUH," They were surprised to hear Lifeng decision. These people believed that he was going to demand for some time to consider this matter.

Miss Ruby was also in a trance, The happiness struck suddenly, She didn't imagine that Lifeng would agree to join her company this easily.

"Young man, you shouldn't make your decision impulsively, or you would affect your future growth." The old man Daan narrowed his eyes as he wanted Lifeng to change his decision.

"Damn Old man What you mean by 'affect your future growth' Are you looking down on my Black Rose." Ruby was quite furious on the old man for degrading her.

"Humph." The old man didn't speak.

"It's alright, I gave this affair sufficient time and thought about the pros and cons, So after all this thinking I choose Black Rose," Lifeng replied emotionlessly.

'Sufficient time and thought, your head. 3 min ago you didn't even know about Forging workshop, and you have guts to speak like that.' Old man Daan snorted inwardly.

Ruby and old man Aven also surprised, 'He really is shameless' Both of thought at the same time.


After Lifeng had done dealing with the formalities to join Black Rose through Ruby, he took his leave and walk out from the association, Of course, He didn't forget to take the First prize *Black Volcano ore* from the exam with him.

Black volcano ore was an Earth grade material, which helps a weapon to raise its firepower.

Just as Lifeng was going to take a taxi, a System Alert sounded.

[Warning, A killing intent toward User detected]

He was shocked after hearing the Alert, but Soon he remembered the attempt to kill him on the cliff.

After a little Hesitation, He took the taxi, but his destination was not the academy, he ordered the driver to take him outside of the city.

The Northern side of the city had a big mountain range, and it was packed with Low-level Beasts, and the Hunters go there often for hunts, so Lifeng arrived there easily.

Next, he paid the driver and started to walk towards the forest, soon he standing in a dense woods.

He waited there patiently and before spoke: " You followed me throughout all journey, so why are you still hiding."

There was none who replied Lifeng and Lifeng also didn't speak further.

Some moment later a person came out from the woods. He was wearing black clothes, and his face was covered with a mask.

"I'm impressed that you noticed my presence, but there is a doubt in my mind. If you already know that there is someone following you, so why come here, Instead of somewhere with protection." The person spoke.

"Well, it's because I didn't feel any threat from you." Lifeng was not boasting right now back then when he heard the system's warning, the system also told him the power level of this person.

According to the system, it could detect the power level of anybody who had any killing intent toward User within the 1-kilometer radius.

The opponent was a half-step commander tier, and with his stats number, you could say that he was an agility type fighter.

"Hahaha, You are really arrogant. I don't know where from your confidence is coming from, but you have to die today." The masked person laughed while taking out a dagger.

"Well before you start, can I ask you something? We don't have any animosity, so why are you after my life." Lifeng's voice was still emotionless.

"Brat, you only need to know that one doesn't need enemies if he has such a great family like yours." Saying this, he walked carefully towards Lifeng.

'I only need to get little closer and then it doesn't matter how many tricks you have, with my speed it useless.' The masked person was caution because of Lifeng behavior, but he had full confidence in his speed.

'Family.' Lifeng Sighed as he thought about his family.

'Well, it's not really shocking or something, I already have my doubts in the previous incident but its cleared now.' just as Lifeng thought inwardly, the man entered in the radius of ten meters of Lifeng.

"To tell you the truth, I also use a dagger," Lifeng spoke to the man.

'There is something wrong with this guy, I have to finish it quickly.' But before he could use his skill, Lifeng disappeared from his place.

The masked man got shocked and was about to retreat, however, he felt a chilly perception around his neck and then blood started to gush out, to his horror Lifeng was standing beside him while holding a dagger and till his death, he didn't even understand how this happened.


[congratulation user for slaying a Half-step cultivator]


[exp gain 2000]


[User acquired a Low-rank Dagger]


[User obtained 1 million credits (transferred to your account)]

"System I know that I can get exp from killing a powerful opponent, but you never tell me that that it gives items as well," Lifeng asked system in amazement.

[User can only get those items that were carried by the opponent before dying.] System replied.

Lifeng watched the corpse for a moment before using blink one more time and disappeared from the spot.


At the ancestor Building of Su Clan, All the elder and main characters of Su clan were gathered in the inner courtyard, Where was the summoning ceremony being held.

Every one of them was looking at the platform in the middle of the courtyard, the platform was covered in different types of formation and inscriptions, On the top of the platform a young girl standing while she was holding a red bloodstone in her hands.

If Lifeng was here, then he will be shocked after seeing the stone because it was the Emperor grade soul jade which Lifeng used to make a soul contract with 'PING.' And as for the girl, She was the most talented genius of Su clan History *Su Mei*.

There were two methods to make a soul contract with a beast, first, which was used by Lifeng. One required the creature to present at the moment before attempting to restrict it in contact, which was a safe and secure way and the other one was a summoning ceremony, which was held by Su clan right now.

In this method, it was not assured to gain a great beast, If your Talent and Destiny was good, suddenly you could bind a legendary grade creature, or it's opposite a soldier class.

Su Mei looked at her parent and nodded at them. Su Mei took a deep breath and started to chant an inscription that was given to her by her father.

Soon All the platform started to glow before a mercury color portal open in front of her.

She took out a knife and sliced it on her finger, a cut appeared, and blood started to ooze out. She dropped the blood on the soul jade, which was begun to gleam.

In the sea of consciousness of Su Mei, she was standing between the sea of burning flames and in front of her was floating a real Phoenix.

"Human Why did you wake me from my slumber," Phoenix spoke in her emotionless voice. That right, Su Mei used her previous life mysterious technique to draw Phoenix awareness toward her.

"What I wanted from the great Phoenix like you, to let me have a chance to bind a contract with your Kin." Su Mei replied respectfully.

Phoenix Stared at Su Mei without giving any replied. The atmosphere between them became tenser than before. After a long silence, Phoenix spoke: " Are you the head of Phoenix sect in the heavenly spirit world."

Su Mei was shocked after Hearing the words of Phoenix.