Legendary wizard at age of 25!

Late at night at Hotel 626, Rooms were almost fully booked because of the Grand celebration that is currently happening in Beijing. Parties are still ongoing, Loud singing can be heard from afar, Enjoying the happy times of their life while being shone upon by the Moonlight of the eternal darkness.

After being drunk so much that they can't take it anymore, Xiao Ze and his brother Gu Long bid their farewell to their friends. Although they are not related by blood, As the saying goes 'Once a Brother, Forever a Brother.', they consider themselves as a real brother.

"Alright, It's already late at night, we're going home now."

"Damn! I still have work early tomorrow! Why did I drink so much!?"

Xiao ze and Gu Long's friends chuckled lightly.

"It's because there's beauty everywhere that you lost your mind!"

"Goodness! How can you not restrained yourself just because there's a beautiful girl!?"

They became friends in University C.

On the day of releasing the entrance exam result, this trio took the top 100 in the school, Specifically, Top 98, Top 99, and Top 100. Although they passed the entrance exam, they are still at the bottom of the hierarchy in the school and they were bullied a lot.

When Xiao ze and Gu Long saw this, they can't stand it as others prejudiced them based on their ranking that's why they help them raise their ranks in the school and they got together and became friends.

However, one day, a shocking secret has been revealed. Gu Long accidentally found out when he invites Mu Lan, One of their friends, to a Mix bath Hot spring hotel to peek at the beautiful girls. As expected of Gu Long, Their friends were used to it now but one guy was not.

One time when they were listening to the sounds of the women on the other side of the Hot Spring, The door suddenly made a loud creaking sound and gave in.

Mu Lan, who was at the entrance of the door was sneakily eavesdropping by putting his ear beside the door stumbled forward as the door was forcefully pushed in. There were many women in the hot spring who were bare naked.

The first reaction of Gu Long was the rage of the angry little dragon, it shot up to the extreme as it goes full throttle. The women were stunned and shrieked as they scream loudly while covering their bodies. They throw items by items as they chased the men out of the women's bath.

In the corner of the eye of Gu Long, he saw that Mu Lan's little brother has no reaction even though they saw an extremely shocking sight in front of them. The first thought of Gu Long was that Mu Lan has a different sexual orientation. so he quickly back away and hid behind his brother Xiao ze.

Although Gu Long was a flirtatious person, he was also straightforward and frank so he asked Mu Lan if he is Gay. The other party was enraged by the question and glared at him.

Mu Lan was extremely jealous of Gu Long because he was so free of what he was doing,

he had no problem with his little brother and can play whenever he wants, but he was different. Mu Lan honestly told his friend that he is a Eunuch.

Gu Long unintentionally mock Mu Lan and said that 'A man without his little brother is not a man!' Although Gu Long didn't mean it and just making fun of him, Mu Lan still took it to heart and they were fighting until today.

"Hahaha!... I have a picture of Xiao Long's perverted face! Quick, Take a look!"

As everyone was curious of the pictures, they leaned toward Mu Lan who held the phone as he casually waves his arm beckoning his friends, They saw the photo of Gu Long seated in the middle with beautiful girls in his left and right side. He looks like a hungry wolf hysterically laughing while

drooling with his hands on the girl's boobs and butt.

"Look at this guy! Like he's having the time of his life!"

"What the hell's with that face!? Haha so funny!"

Although Mu Lan was mocking him this way, he was so angry and so jealous at Gu Long because he always has women beside him.

"why can you have all the women and not me!? Just because I am a Eunuch does not mean I can't

touch a girl!"

Mu Lan thought to himself.

"Flaunting your superior looks and supported with an extremely distinguished background, You can just go Die! Riaju explode!!!"

Xiao ze and Gu Long's friend laughed so hard while clutching their stomachs and rolling on the ground.

"Hey! Even you can't resist that temptations! Oh!.. right! Only a MAN can!"

Gu Long snickered as he looked coldly at his friend.

"What did you say!?"

Enraged by the words of Gu Long, He stood up ready to punch Gu Long but was stopped by his friends.

"Stop it! You are drunk! Gu Long didn't mean it!"

"Yeah! Let's just go home and sleep!"

The man flung his friend's hands and straightened his shirt and with a 'Hmmp', he walked away. But when the man slightly turned his head around, He smiled coldly with a sinister intention, his eyes bloodshot with a murderous glint flashing within, But none of them saw it and was quickly replaced by indifferent and cool gaze.

After his friends walked away, Xiao ze turned towards Gu Long and complained.

"Aye, Xiao Long, You really..."

Xiao ze shakes his head while letting out a long sigh.

"What a troublesome brother!"

Gu Long gave him a wry smile.

"What can I do? He started it first!"

Xiao ze shot him a look before deeply sighing.

"Let's go, Let's just go home."


Gu Long quickly agreed and hopped into his car.

"Let me drive, you are too drunk today!"

Xiao ze said as Gu Long quickly stood up and went to the passenger's seat.

He started the engine and drove away.

On the way home, the inside of the car is so lively Xiao ze and Gu Long casually chatted and laughing from time to time.

As Xiao ze was driving, he saw a fourteen wheeler truck abruptly changing lane. He was so surprised that he stepped on the brakes but the car didn't stop and just moved forward. He repeatedly stepped on the brakes but it's not stopping. He was so surprised that the brakes were broken.


"Damn, Xiao ze! we are going to crash!"

Blood drained on the two's faces, They look as pale as a sheet of paper.

Panic-stricken, he steered the wheeler on his left side to avoid crashing on the truck.

Because he was so shocked and can't think rationally, he didn't see that on his left side was a cliff. He crashed on the metal railing and without stopping the car flew into the cliff.

The duo screamed at top of their lungs with a pale face. They looked liked they lost their soul.

"Sh*t! Bro ze! I haven't even gotten laid yet!!!"

"F*ck!!! Do you think you are the only one!!?"

As the car flew, it abruptly went down because of the gravity.

"Sh*t! just one more year and I'll become a Wizard!!!"

"F*ck! Am I going to die a Virgin!?"

The duo complains in their heart.

"Aii!! What sh*t luck!!!" Xiao ze and Gu Long cursed in their mind.

"Bro ze! you suck at driving!!"

"Shut up! How would I know that the brakes were broken!?"

They bicker on each other until they calm down. They looked at each other and smiled.

"Still, It's good to know a good friend like you!"

"What are you talking about!? A friend once, Brother for life! I've always treated you as my real Brother!"

Gu Long felt guilty towards Xiao Ze because he always causes trouble yet his Good brother would always stand up on his side, cleaning the mess.

"If there is next life, I would rather spend it together with you to repay you for what you've done to me and never regret it. If I go back in my words, Let the lightning Tribulation Strike me 99 times and let my soul disperse!"

Xiao Ze was shocked and widened his eyes upon hearing the solemn vow that his good brother said. The rim of his eyes reddened, and he smirked.

"If there is the next life"

Xiao ze's words were cut as they've fallen on the bottom of the cliff, their car crashed and with a loud boom! the car exploded!