The Skeleton;Moon Fragment

At this time in the Xu Manor, Xu Li and Han Feimo were chatting with their daughter. They had a worried expression on their faces. These husband and wife spoil Xu Long a lot, they knew that she was always bullied because of her cultivation stage that is stagnant.

However, as a parent, all they could do was comfort their daughter and make her feel loved. They couldn't do anything as they possess no power to go against every branch families.

Although Xu Li is at the Body Purifying realm, a man alone can't overcome an army. There are also many cultivators at the Body Purifying realm in the branch family so, he could just swallow his grievance towards them.

"What did really happen, Xu Long? Can't you tell mother why you've been out for days?... We were so worried about you!"

Han Feimo looked at Xu Long with a pitiful and hurt look.

"Don't you trust mother?..."

Feeling a bit awkward, Xu Long just scratched her face and then she told her the story on how she fell on a cliff and were trapped in a dark and foggy place. She omitted the sword part and its inheritance.

Han Feimo and Xu Li were shocked at how their lovely baby got into such a dangerous situation. They were worried that their baby girl would be traumatized that's why they consoled Xu Long.

"It's fine, baby girl, you're mother won't abandon you! Even if you don't go out often anymore... I will still take care of you so don't worry, okay?"

"Your mother is right... you just rest for a while and don't bother with anything... Father will take care of it for you!"

Xu Li and Han Feimo tried to lessen the trauma of their daughter by showing their passion towards her. 'Such a pitiful child, so much unfortunate event keeps happening on you! Does the almighty God wants you to push into an edge that much?' The husband and wife were lamenting at their child's misfortunes. They didn't see the face Xu Long is making.

Xu Long was very depressed instead of being consoled like a child, she was instead thinking of what they said earlier. "...Baby girl...". Xu Long was a man before so calling him a baby girl is a bit depressing, it's like insulting his manhood but he can't do anything, he's in the body of a little girl and it won't change.

Xu Long suddenly felt no will to live anymore.

Another thing that she was thinking of was the will of the previous owner of the Hell Blaze Dragon Sword. Killing the Dragon God seems impossible even if she had a thousand lives. Whenever she thought of it, her face would become a little grim.

"I need strength to protect myself from any possible harm that may happen in the future. Only with a higher cultivation stage would I get a higher chance of defeating the Dragon God. However, I don't know what stage of cultivation this Dragon God has... This is a risky gamble I'm taking but the more dangerous it is, the more I get excited!"


In a dark lit hall, there is a majestic throne in the middle. Rows of pillars were piercing the roof. It was so high around 60 chi. This throne was sitting just like a solitary king lonely at being the top. The place was only decorated with a flag and a red carpet.

The flag has a carved symbol of it. It was a ten bony fingers entwined with each other, the gaps between each finger were filled in by the other. It was forming a mountain. However, in another perspective, a bony hand was reaching on the top but was stopped by another hand their fingers were intertwined.

The stone slabs that were used on this hall was unadorned in the first sight, however, unknown to all these stones were the Moon Fragments. It was said that it came from a shattered moon and it contains extremely cold qi that can be used for cultivation.

The qi on the Moon Fragments was violent as well. It was so strong that when you stepped on it, those with lower cultivation will instantly freeze to death while those with higher cultivation stage may come out with severed legs or just their speed would be incredibly lowered because of the coldness permeating through a cultivator's body.

In the middle of the hall, on the throne, is a skeleton leaning on the back. Its head was tilting upward and its lower jaws were dropped making its mouth open wide. Its eyes were vacant as if many years have passed yet he still didn't give up waiting for something.

At this time two shadows were slowly materializing into a figure in the dark. They walked towards the well-lit throne. The fires on the torches were emitting a chilling an eerie coldness that can sweep through the land of the abyss.

The two shadows that materialized were, in fact, a person, these two guys were wearing long sleeves ultraviolet in colors, their belts were light blue and wore a black greave. The eye-catching part of them was that they wear a mask.

One of the guys wears a mask that covers half of his face the right part was hidden while the other guy wore a mask that covers his mouth part. It seems like they were hiding a part of them that others would think disgusting.

The two guys went on their knees as their heads hung low. "The two spies we sent has been compromised. As of now, they were most likely dead giving the fact that Xu Zhong Kui won't tolerate even an ant that will harm his family."

"It seems like we've underestimated the Demon General too much. I suggest we move to the next phase of our plan."

The eyes of the skeleton on the throne flickered, the once vacant and hollow eyes now produced a ball of light making it its pupils. Those fiery eyes were redirected towards the two who was kneeling on one knee. Killing intent surge over the entire hall making it hard for the two to breath.

"Yincang-San, your job... It seems like you need to find another one... No... you don't have to find another one because you won't have a chance anymore!"

The skeleton's voice was cold as the killing intent rose to another level. The one who is called Yincang-San was sweating profusely, he really didn't expect that the two spies to get exposed this early. He even gave them a Blastwave. It can blow up a whole city, even a Soul Formation stage cultivator will get severely injured from the blast.

This Blastwave is a square box in design and a pushable button on the side. It's a palm-sized box so with a grip, the button can be pushed. Inside the box, there was multiple, massive amount of chaotic qi stored inside with only a thin transparent like thing on the middle of the box. If pushed, the transparent thing will be shattered and the chaotic qi will collide with each other producing a massive explosion.

'Those useless fools! They can't even do their jobs properly! Now, I'm the one getting grilled here!'

The one called Yincang-San was gnashing his teeth in hate because he gave them the Blastwave so that when they were found out at least they should take with them a few members of the Xu, however because of their carelessness, they didn't even get the chance to detonate the blastwave as they died like a weed being pulled out without any effort at all.

"Your subordinate admits his mistake! Please give me another chance! I promise I'll do an even better job worthy of your praise!"

Yincang-San is very nervous at this time, he didn't know when his master would get unreasonable and just kill him on the spot. His eyes filled with fear every time he sees that orb like pupils which emits fiery hotness. His mind spun very fast thinking of a way to escape this hell he was in.

"Ho... worthy of my praise... you've got a lot of confidence, eh? However, do you know what will happen to those who are overestimating themselves, making them play like a fool?"

"Yes!... Yes... Yes, I am indeed aware of that, please rest assured that this time, the mission will be successful with flying colors on top of that!"

"...I'll give you one last chance... It must never fail this time! If it fails... I will have your nine generations wiped out in the face of this world never to reincarnate again!"

The skeleton sitting on the throne lifted his bony finger pointing on Yincang-San. Yincang-San, on the other hand, knows the meaning of that pointed finger. His master was clearly telling him 'Including you.' Yincang-San got a feeling that the 'you' his master was referring is the real Yincang-San that was on the other side of his mask.

However, it's just a feeling with no definite proof. His pupils constricted slightly then, they returned to normal. "Your wish is my command!"

Throughout the whole conversation with their master, one of the two masked men just spoke once and were silently observing the whole thing so he manages to see the constriction of the pupils of Yincang-San.

Then they silently got up and stepped back on the darkness and faded away. The skeleton still remained seated on the throne. He gazed through the sky as if it can pierce the void itself. His voice sounded eerie and creepy. "He who commands tens of thousand army, the Demon General, Xu Zhong Kui! As long as I live, there'll be no peace for you and your family! Savor your short-lived peace this time, when the time comes, the whole world will know the terror and chaos will befall!"

"Ka Ka Ka Ka!"