Rockfall Plain

With the retreat of the Dragon Cauldron Army, the Scarlet Moon Army readily advanced, taking over the abandoned camps and pushing up the overall line of defence.

But they did not stop at just that.

By the orders of Marshal Xianming, the overall commander of the Scarlet Moon Army, the forces of all five battlefronts advanced even further, eventually convening at a single point.

Rockfall Plain.

It was a vast area spanning more than a thousand kilometres wide. There, dry grass grew up to waist level, but trees were sparse, providing little for concealment. Two small mountains rose to both the eastern and western ends, making the Rockfall Plain appear like a piece of lowland.

Dozens of huge rocks, each the height of a grown man, lay randomly scattered throughout the plains. They appeared out of place in the grassland, as though they had simply fallen from the skies. This special characteristic was also what gave Rockfall Plain its name.