Eternal Wraith Sword

"Haha, I was too busy with other matters to take a look at it..." Lu Tianzi could only force out a dry laughter.

He was embarrassed at his own answer as well. Still, it was not completely a lie.

Throughout the war, Lu Tianzi had been busy honing his proficiency in the first two stages of the Eternal Wraith Sword Art. While his superior techniques had saved him from danger time and again during the war, these ordeals also made Lu Tianzi realise that apart from combat techniques, advancing his cultivation level was just as important.

If his cultivation level had been higher from the start, perhaps he would not have to risk his life going through these ordeals in the first place.

Due to this reason, after the war, he had been too caught up with refining the impurities in his liquid Slaughter Essence in preparation for advancing his cultivation level.