Main Event of the Healers’ Meet

Beiwei Jinguo did not say a word on their way back to the inn. Even for the few days following their return to the inn, Beiwei Jinguo continued to hole himself in his room.

However, Lu Tianzi was not too worried.

After the incident at the Fireaxe Inn, what Lu Tianzi had felt from Beiwei Jinguo was not sadness and disappointment, but anger and indignation.

It was clear that Beiwei Jinguo's fighting spirit had been riled up because of Xiquan Chong's actions. But whether it was for better or for worse, it was something that remained to be seen.

A stronger fighting spirit was certainly good for improvement, but too much of it could easily give birth to recklessness.

Lu Tianzi hoped that this incident would not cause Beiwei Jinguo to become overzealous in his pursuit for good results. But even if it did, Lu Tianzi would simply accept it.