Lord Er

Lord Er? So that's his name?

Lu Tianzi mused.

As he was thinking that, Lu Tianzi's vision blurred, and the scene around him slowly changed.


He opened his eyes once more to find himself in a wide courtyard, surrounded by tall walls almost the height of five men.

Numerous ingredients were laid out on the ground, left to dry under the blazing afternoon sun.

Guo Ming was strolling through these ingredients, carefully inspecting their current conditions and ensuring that they had not been left out for too long.

"Remember, Guo Ming," Lord Er called out. "See with-"

"See with your own eyes, not your perception. Only then will you be able to truly understand the intricacies of each ingredient," Guo Ming recited in a resigned manner. "You have said that at least a thousand times already, Teacher. I can already remember your words by heart!"