Learn it the Hard Way

Lu Tianzi and Nanlan Qianxue casually made their way to the exit, stepping through the tall wooden fence to enter the forest once more.

"So, which way should we go next?" Nanlan Qianxue asked.

Lu Tianzi smiled bitterly in response. "Let's just leave here for now."

He did tell Elder Ximo that they were heading to Bog Town next, and that was indeed where he wanted to go as well.

But in all honesty, all he knew about Bog Town was that it was east of the mountain inn where he first met Beiwei Jinguo. As for its exact location, Lu Tianzi had absolutely no idea.

Lu Tianzi was certain that he would be able to get the information he needed had he just asked Elder Ximo, but he was still reluctant to do so.

Now that he had obtained Lord Er's inheritance, his top priority was to leave Wondertrap Mountain as soon as possible.