Ever since leaving Crimson Mountain, Lu Tianzi and Nanlan Qianxue had been travelling east towards the central regions of the continent.
Since they did not know the way to Bog Town, continuing towards the east sounded like the logical choice.
From Wondertrap Mountain, they retraced their steps to get back to the main mountain path, and continued travelling eastwards from there.
There was nothing but wilderness along the way. But after a few days, they finally came across the first sign of civilisation.
It was a huge boulder with the following words carved into it.
- This way to Bog Town – Ten Kilometres -
"Looks like we still managed to find our way here somehow," Nanlan Qianxue remarked.
"Come to think of it, I guess it makes sense that the mountain road led us to the nearest town," Lu Tianzi shrugged. "But what's with this rock?"
Lu Tianzi stepped forward and placed his hand upon the huge boulder, examining it closely.