Gathering of the Noble Families

When the young man caught Lu Tianzi's gaze lingering on his raven bracelets, he hurriedly put his hands down, hiding them behind his long cloak once more. Looking slightly uncomfortable, he flashed one last smile before turning to walk away.

Lu Tanzi watched as the young man slowly disappeared down the street, at the same time taking in a deep breath to calm himself down.

The whole Old Harpy incident had gotten him too riled up.

When he took a closer look around him, Lu Tianzi realised that this young man was really sticking out like a sore thumb, being the only one who was walking down the street without a care in the world.

I guess this is the reason why Old Harpy was so sure that I am not from Bog Town…


With his earlier thoughts no longer bothering him, Lu Tianzi quickly noticed something amiss with what he was seeing right now.

Considering how dreary the atmosphere was in Bog Town, would anyone really be in the mood to go around joking with random strangers?