
All eyes were on Lu Tianzi as he calmly rose from his seat.

He did not bother replying Squad Leader Sanlong. At this point, nothing about the situation would change no matter what he said.

Here in Sacred Cliff City, the Burning Titan Overlord was absolute, and his word was the law.

The very moment that the Burning Titan Overlord openly approved of this 'demonstration', it became something that had to happen.

Anything other than that would be akin to disrespecting the Burning Titan Overlord, or in other words, against the law.

Even if the Burning Titan Overlord chose to overlook it, his fervent subordinates would not.

Having stayed in Sacred Cliff City for a while now, Lu Tianzi understood that much.

Then again, Lu Tianzi had never intended to back out anyway.

This was a good opportunity to show off a little to the top echelons in Sacred Cliff City.