Xuan Wen

"Hahaha! What a coincidence to have met you guys here!" Xuan Wen laughed. "Are you visiting the True Fire Tavern as well? I am here alone so why don't we go together then?"

"That would be great, wouldn't it, Young Master Xuan Hao?" Old Zheng asked.

"I suppose so..." Young Master Xuan Hao replied hesitantly.

He had always been on good terms with his elder brother Xuan Wen prior to this.

However, that was also partly because Young Master Xuan Hao never had the intention to vie for the position of the heir.

Now that his stance on the matter had changed, Young Master Xuan Hao could not help but feel awkward when facing this elder brother of his.

If at all possible, he would have preferred not to dine with Xuan Wen, but he simply could not find any rational excuse to reject the suggestion.

With that, the group followed Xuan Wen into the True Fire Tavern, where they were greeted promptly at the door and guided to a private chamber.