Fire Against Water

Holding a ball of water in his left hand and the Cloud Splitter in his right, Lu Tianzi looked down at Linye Caixia from above.

You shall be my test subject!

Lu Tianzi turned his palm, and directly pressed the ball of water against the long blade of the Cloud Splitter.

The ball of water burst open the moment it came into contact with the blade, but the water content did not scatter everywhere as it should have.

Instead, the water content seemed to increase in volume, spreading out to encase the entire sword and wrapping it in something that resembled a bubble of water.


A loud sizzling sound filled the Grand Ember Hall as hot vapour formed on the blade of the Cloud Splitter. With that, the orange glow on the long sword also started to quickly subside.

"You are using water to cool down your sword? Do you really think there is a point to doing that?" Linye Caixia's expression fell. "You are starting to disappoint me."