
Having already seen these people coming, Lu Tianzi naturally had time to make the necessary preparations.

For that matter, he had the perfect instrument built into his Moon Culler.

The inscription skill of the Bewitching Will Inscription – Lu Tianzi named it the Bewitching World.

The Bewitching World might not possess any tangible offensive capabilities, but it held an ability that was just as useful, if not even more so. It was able to cast an illusion on its targets, confusing them by letting them experience a completely different world designed by Lu Tianzi himself.

As long as the other party was able to figure it out, it would not be difficult to escape this false world.

However, the difficulty lay in actually realising that they were trapped in an illusion in the first place.

Since Lu Tianzi had no idea who was coming, he did not want to just jump to conclusions. Instead, he decided to use the Bewitching World as a precaution.