

A majestic roar reverberated across the arena once more, just like when Xuan Ming activated Inscription Master Qianling's inscription earlier.

However, there was a distinct difference between this and that.

While Inscription Master Qianling's inscription sounded like the menacing roar of countless beasts, Lu Tianzi's inscription let out a roar that seemed to come from a single apex predator, one that stood at the very top of the food chain.

And along with this majestic roar came an shockwave of overwhelming pressure that erupted with Xuan Ming at its epicentre.

The Iron Fist Overlord reacted immediately, vanishing from his seat and reappearing in the air above the twins before anyone could react.

He pushed downwards with an open palm, and an invisible barrier of pure energy formed around the twins.

When met with the expanding shockwave, the barrier shook violently as ripples appeared all over it. Yet despite how risky it looked, the barrier still held strong in the end.