Inexhaustible Opponent

Beastial bloodline activation!

Nanshen Qin instantly identified the cause of the change in Lu Tianzi, partially also because this was not the first time that he had squared off against an opponent who possessed a beastial bloodline.

Second on the Heaven's Warrior List – Xicong Bayuen of the White Tiger Immortal Sect – was one of the most famous owners of such a bloodline, and Nanshen Qin had had the opportunity to exchange moves with him before.

Xicong Bayuen's beastial bloodline came from the primal beast Hellborn Grizzly.

Primal beasts were typically far stronger and more dangerous to deal with than regular beasts because they possessed a bloodline that traced back to ancient beasts. By possessing the bloodline of a primal beast, martial artists could erupt with strength far beyond what was originally possible.