Am I... dead?

"Oh shit!" Thought Dong Tu as he saw his nephew, Fang Yuan begin killing Gu Yue clansmen in a frenzy. In the beginning, Gu Yue clansmen were struggling and even decided to combine their strengths trying to attack Fang Yuan, but all of that was futile as Fang Yuan was swiftly killing everyone in his sight with Bai Ning Bing at his side. Who would have thought that Dong Tu's nephew that he has taken care of since his parents died decided to go on a killing spree on his own clansmen?! "That is unacceptable." said Dong Tu inwardly. The hatred in his heart began growing like a fire that soon will consume the whole village.

"Why? After everything I have done for him, he just kept destroying my life, my family, my dream! And now he's massacring our whole clan! I should have killed him while he was still an infant!... When I still had the chance..." Dong Tu mumbled as he clenched his fists so hard that his fingernails pierced the skin and the blood began dripping.

Fang Yuan made his life miserable he took away everything from him. His hopes, his numerous properties, the rightful inheritance of Fang Yuan's parents that Fang Yuan didn't even deserve. Fang Yuan was just a kid who got lucky! The liquor worm gu could be said to be the biggest example to confirm that this brat was blessed by the heavens! If Dong Tu had such luck he would be the clan leader in no time!

"Ugh" Dong Tu fell on his knees, dazed. He reminded himself of the time that he was badly injured. His potential has fallen to C grade! He had no chances of further advancement anymore. It was hopeless! But he had managed to raise his influence in the clan, he even got the title of "hidden elder". But did it matter anymore? He has lost everything he can do nothing now. He can only beg for his life, even though it won't save him. But he won't lose his will to live! Even if he was to crawl like a slug in front of a woman, so that his life would not be lost he would do it! He wasn't born Yesterday! Fang Yuan is just a kid, maybe a genius one but still without the experience of someone like Dong Tu!

He stood up and this time saw Fang Yuan coming his way. Fang Yuan charged like a demon he was, soaked in blood with a maniacal smile on his face. The heart of Dong Tu began beating at the speed that he never knew was possible. He has decided if he can't win in a fight with Fang Yuan he can always try to beg for his life. Even though the chances are much lower than 1% he will still try it.

Dong Tu again dropped on his knees and shouted with all his strength "Fang Yuan, let us go please, we're your uncle and aunt!" Fang Yuan didn't stop at all and bloodred moonblade shot out of his left hand shining malevolently as it flew straight at Dong Tu's and his wife's neck. "Is this the end?" Dong Tu thought as his vision spun as he was beheaded. The last thing he could see before his vision changing to black was Fang Yuan's smile that he shall remember even in the afterlife.

"Fang Yuan... May you die the most painful death possible!"


"Am I... dead?" Dong Tu tried to say, but no words came out as the only thing accompanying him was darkness. The only thing that existed here was his lonely soul and his hatred for Fang Yuan.

But then he heard some buzzing in the distance. "Huh?" The buzzing was getting closer and closer until it seemed like the being which produced this sound stopped moving.

"Open your eyes mortal!" Dong Tu heard a voice speaking to him and was thrown off by that being's statement, as he didn't even know if he had eyes or not because everything was darkness. He somehow managed to open his 'eyes' and saw a black scarab that emitted ominous, red light.

"What are you?" Dong Tu said with fear in his mind.

"I am the Retribution Gu, I have been asleep for a long time, waiting for someone like you to appear." Retribution Gu said.

"Retribution Gu?!" Dong Tu gasped as he couldn't recall hearing anything about this certain Gu worm.

"I am a Gu worm from long forgotten times, it's nothing weird that you may not have heard about me at all. I was waiting for someone with such amount of resentment and hatred as you. I haven't met anyone as suitable as you in quite some time."

"Am I given another chance at cultivating? Will I be able to live once again?!" Dong Tu suddenly felt extremely euphoric as he thinks, that he will be able to live once more.

"How lucky am I?! I am really gifted by the heavens, ha ha ha!" Dong Tu laughed inwardly.

"You shall be given the second chance, but remember: If you don't reach rank 6 Gu Master in 50 years, then you will forever be stuck in a cycle of eternal suffering and you'll wish you never accepted my offer! Do you accept my proposition?"

"Yes, I would do anything for another life!" Dong Tu is almost intoxicated at the offer of another life no matter if the end result will be bad or not.

"Good, now I will use Corpse Possession Gu in order to bring you back to life! We shall see each other when you reach rank 6 Gu Master... or when you fail in 50 years."