The Family

"Well, I have no other choice..." Dong Tu said. He must somehow tell his father that he "lost" his gu worms and needs to get new ones. It will be really hard to explain and the repercussions of such action will be surely... unkind.

Cao family is located in the fourth area of Da Fang Clan City, like most families of higher importance. Cao family is in charge of many commercial aspects of the city. Many shops and gambling dens were under its control. Even independent traders and entrepreneurs have to acknowledge and respect Cao family rules, or they would be ostracized and they wouldn't be able to do much business in Da Fang Clan City. Thanks to such assets Cao family is able to provide its members with almost everything they want, from influential positions in the clan to even rare gu worms.

Cao Kong's father, Cao Sha is the head of the Cao family. Everything in Cao family is run by him, no one can hide secrets from him, or that person will end up as a corpse! Cao Sha wasn't a nice person at all, he was ruthless to both his family and others. He wasn't kind especially to Cao Kong, who he wants to keep as he has an A grade talent, but at the same time is disgusted by his fatness and ugliness. One would think, that people gifted by such high talent are beautiful in appearance, but that's not always the case in the Gu World.

"I have to get to my family's residence first." Dong Tu said as he began walking towards Da Fang Clan City's gates. Dong Tu's Gu Master Robes were all tattered and ripped by running in the forest. Fortunately, the Da Fang Clan's token was saved somehow. It was a big, golden, coin-like Gu with a closed eye in the middle that sometimes opened and observed its surroundings with its green pupils.

"Who are you?!" A rank two Gu Master guard blocked Dong Tu's way and angrily asked. Dong Tu quickly showed his golden token Gu to the guard and said: "I'm Cao Kong of the Cao family, let me pass!"

"Hmm..." Guard began examining the token and let Dong Tu have it again. "You may pass, Cao Kong, but as always we have to say, golden token Gu allows you to travel up to the fourth area of the city and enjoy most of the services offered in the city, enjoy your stay."

Dong Tu walked through the gates and finally saw the city on his own eyes from the inside. All houses were made of stone and one could see many mortals minding their own business and bowing to all passing Gu Masters in the first area. Dong Tu walked to the gates of the second area and again showed his token and he was let to continue his walking. And so he continued until he managed to reach to the fourth area.

The fourth area's luxury and look was like heaven and earth compared to the previous areas. All Gu Master wore expensive robes and many of the higher-ranked Gu Masters had others guarding them. This area was much less populated than the others, as not everyone could live here. Dong Tu watched everything in amazement and awe as he was walking towards his family's residence.

Cao Family's Residence was three-stories tall building with many Gu Masters guarding it and mortal servants carrying out the most mundane of tasks. Dong Tu showed his token and his family's symbol on his necklace. He was eventually escorted to his family's residence, where he requested an audience with his father. Families in the Da Fang Clan were all very strict and required their members to follow many rules in order to make them more disciplined. When he was finally let in by his father's right hand, Tu Zai. He was a muscular man with a cold and sadistic smile on his face. One could clearly see what for what his purpose was in working for Cao Sha.

Dong Tu finally met with his father, Cao Sha. Cao Sha was also a muscular man, who also had a proud expression and gaze that made him look like he was above everyone.

"What is it, son?" Cao Sha asked, with his expression showing slight ridicule as Dong Tu's robes were tattered.

"Father, I have something to tell you, which is really shameful of my side..." Dong Tu quickly kneeled and began to act as desperate and pitiful as possible. "I... have... lost my Gu Worms, father..." Dong Tu said in a weak voice.

"What?!" Cao Sha's face became red and flew into a rage.

"You lost your Gu Worms, you useless ball of trash, you are the most hopeless existence I have ever encountered in my life, I'll show you!" Cao Sha shouted as his fists flew straight at Dong Tu. Dong Tu tried to block the blows, but Cao Sha was far too strong. Cao Sha's fists hit Dong Tu's face. Dong Tu's nose broke, his teeth flew out as he felt a strong and sharp pain and slowly began losing his consciousness. These blows were too much for Dong Tu, who had no defensive Gu Worms whatsoever and his physique was certainly not for battling with raw strength. He slowly drifted into darkness and then heard a feminine voice calling to him:

"Wake up, brother, you're alright, you should be healthy now"