chapter 22

Jennifer was very happy. One more man who raped her sister was dead. Well, not a real sister but a sister nonetheless. It would not be long before the main man would also be dead. She knew she had to kill three men more. Then only she could have a normal life with her beloved hubby and whenever she looked at his face, she thought that she was cheating on him. Yes, it was not that serious but she could endanger his and his family's life and the way he easily believed her the previous day made her wanting to die of guilt.

The very next day after she killed Joey, she got one more letter. She opened it and as always heated it, making the name of William Brown to appear. He couldn't control desire and he even handled a sex racket behind his business. She had to go inside his trap to trap him... She made the decision. It was not easy for him to trust her so easily like Joey did. So, it was the only way to reach him. She had to do this... She quickly ate the letter the way she always did.

Soon, she was out of the house. If she had to go on this mission, she had to look attractive as well as different from Jennifer. Wasn't there any other way to kill him? Then her eyes widened with her smartness. Of course she was clever. No one would even know who killed him... That would be the best way to kill him and rescue all the innocent women... Yes, that was the best way...

The next day, she was again out, signalling Leo that she was sick and she needed fresh air. At this point, Leo suspected if she was telling the truth. After all, she was out the previous day and she again wanted to go out. What was wrong with her? He hugged her but Jennifer sensed that he was not convinced. So, she sneezed loudly again and again and Leo became worried. He asked her with hand gestures if she could manage to go out in such a condition. She nodded and smiled, silently assuring him that she was fine.

He went out for work and thus, her next mission started...