chapter 25

Jennifer didn't know what to do. She was trying really hard to get out of the ropes. If it would have been just one of them, she could have easily tackled him but they were two. It was difficult for her to fight them but at least she knew how to get out of those ropes and tape, due to her training.

They kept her there and left. She quickly spat on the tape and soon, it's stickiness dissolved and it came off. She wiggled her hands skillfully from the ropes and soon, she was out of them. She bent down and freed her legs as well. Soon, she was free. She looked around for something that could help her and found a heavy flower pot.

She emptied is contents and stood at the door of the cabin, with the flower pot in her hand, ready to strike. Soon, she heard one of those men speaking. She rose the pot and as soon as the door opened, she broke it on someone's head. Due to it's heaviness, Alex was instantly dead.

Jennifer could easily fight William and with a few twists, punches and kicks, he was also dead. She came out of the cabin but she didn't find the car. So, she started walking, after all, maybe someone would find her or maybe someone was travelling in that forest...

The chief was very angry. He already lost his one daughter, Rebecca and now, he couldn't lose his other daughter. Somehow, she became more important to him than his own daughter but those idiots couldn't follow their car. Now, she was in danger.

He closed his eyes and started thinking how she became like this, so much bitter... It was because of her... Jennifer had to kill her to save herself but then, the urge to kill more evil people became uncontrollable and she soon joined hands with him, helping him to collect and train members that could help them to avenge Rebecca but now, those same members couldn't help her. He felt ashamed of himself. After all, it was because of his mission that she was in danger...