Hidden Quest: Save the Constipated Class Trainer

"Ahhhh!" John screeched, screaming his lungs out. "Ahhhhhh!"

His screaming stopped abruptly, when he felt someone slap his cheek. He began to hyperventilate, and he felt someone slap him again.

"Will you cut it out?" John heard a feminine voice whisper. "You're embarrassing us."

He glanced up expecting to see an NPC, only to see a very familiar face. "Big sis?" He asked hesitantly.

"Yes," Anna replied. "Now shut up and follow me."

Anna pulled me up and dragged along, setting me down on a bench. John exhaled slowly, and then realised something. He turned towards Anna and cursed. "Damn."

"That's right," Anna cackled victoriously. "Pay up! It's time to power level."

John sighed. "At least let me visit the class trainer, alright? Give me sometime to prepare."

"Alright," Anna acquiesced.

He headed over to the class trainer area, located in the centre of the city. Speaking of which, it seemed he had landed in Vivale, a border city teeming with monsters. It was undoubtedly both a great and dangerous place to farm mobs. Dangerous, but rewarding.

Inside the centre stood the class trainers, all gathered in a ring. Except one. The mage class trainer.

"Do you know where the mage class trainer is?" John carefully inquired. "He appears to be... missing."

"Of course we know," a tall, burly looking trainer replied. "He's in the bathroom, trying unsuccessfully to purge his stomach of whatever foul thing he ate. He's quite... constipated at the moment."

John glanced back at Anna, who was impatiently tapping her feet outside the centre.

"Uhh, could you tell me where the bathroom is? I need to speak to the mage trainer. It's urgent."John said quickly. "Please. It'll only be a few minutes. Besides, the mage trainer will be in there much longer, won't he? So please, just allow me a few minutes."

The twelve trainers, thought about it for a moment, and the burly man tossed him a strange smelling key card. "Go, boy. But remember, only a few minutes."

John accepted the key card and quickly went to the staff toilet area. Inside, he heard terrifying noises, the sounds of a man screaming and moaning, noises he really wanted to scrub his mind free of. He cautiously knocked on the door.

The ancient wooden door shuddered, threatening collapse, but it held. Within the bathroom, the sounds stopped. "Who's there!?" An angry voice cried out. "Can't you spare this old man some peace? I'm to trying to take a dump."

"Sorry, Mr. Mage trainer." John said. "Uhh, what I mean is respectful greetings to you, esteemed trainer. I was hoping to gain my class skills."

"Huh?!" You mean you want to pester me while I'm in the toilet? Forget about your class skills boy, I would never give them to you after you interrup- ahhhh!" From inside the bathroom, John could hear something which sounded suspiciously like a flatulence bomb going off.

"Perhaps I could be of assistance?" John inquired. "I could help you with your problem, and you could give me my class skills."

"Really?" The mage trainer said, his voice one of agony. "You would do that for me?"

"Of course," John replied with a tone as sincere as he could muster. "It is the job of the citizens to give back to the wonderful and helpful class trainers who have always protected us."

The bathroom rumbled once more, and fell silent. "All right, came a feeble voice from inside. "Go and kill the unique clothed mole rat in silverwood forest, and bring me the special pill which it drops. Remember, first kills and quest achievers gain a special item. Bring me that pill, and it will cure my constipation."

"Anything else?" John asked.

"NO!" The mage trainer shouted. "Get me the damn pill now!"

[Unique Quest Received]

[Save the Constipated Class Trainer]

Rewards: Class skills, mystery skill, reputation increase with mage class trainer.

Failure: Class trainer dies, Unable to receive basic class skills until a replacement comes. Reputation decrease within Vivale, other class trainers.

"Alright," John smirked. "We're in business now."

"Wait." I still need a method to kill the rat. Please teach me how to cast an [Arcane Missile]." John was really testing the mage trainer's limits this time. [Arcane Missile] was an advanced version of [Mana Bolt], and this was just straight up extortion at this point.

The mage trainer growled, but began to quickly speak in the fear that John might fail if he didn't know any skills. "Focus your mind on your mana. Feel it move through your body, and will in to a cone shape. Will to gather together, to agglomerate into a missile. Feel it flow. Don't force it."

John obediently followed his instructions, and a few painful minutes later (for the mage trainer) an [Arcane Missile] formed.

New Skill Learned: [Arcane Missile]

Type: Active

Damage: 15 HP

MP Cost: 10 MP

Proficiency: Beginner [1]

Description: A cone of condensed mana, shaped through will.

He ran back towards Anna immediately after learning the skill, and dragged her off in the direction of silverwood forest straight away, ignoring the massive explosion noise coming from the bathroom area.

Whether the explosion was a result of the mage trainer's anger or butt, he didn't really wan't to know for the sake of his sanity.

[Ten Minutes Later]

"So Anna, tell me about how you knew I was gonna choose Hesse Kingdom." John said curiously. "You never did say how."

Anna thought about it for a second, before replying. "Well, I guessed. Even ending up in the same city was pure luck. It seems fate really does want me to be power levelled."

John sighed. He'd been sighing a lot lately, and Anna had contributed no small amount top this.

Above them, the trees rustled. A flurry of leaves fell down, followed by a bunch of acorns. What came after that, however, was a gigantic pink rat which squealed loudly in his direction. He inspected the rat's status, and it came up.

Name: [Unclothed Mole Rat]

Rank: [Common]

Level: 1

HP: 75/100

"Get ready Anna," He called out. "You tank and I'll damage the thing"

He didn't need to. Anna was already in position. She held up a round shield and a rusted sword, repelling the unclothed mole rat. John immediately casted an arcane missile, damaging the rat. He then followed up with several more.

-15 HP [Unclothed Mole Rat]

-15 HP [Unclothed Mole Rat]

-15 HP [Unclothed Mole Rat]

-15 HP [Unclothed Mole Rat]

-15 HP [Unclothed Mole Rat]

[Unclothed Mole Rat] is dead. +25 Exp -> Flashing Sky, +5 Exp -> 'lil Sky.

Flashing Sky level up x1, 'lil Sky level up x1.