Lands Construction

When she became aware of her surrounding she was already among the fourteen superiors. Known to the people of the land as butterflies due to the fact that the four numbers in their eyes were like wings.

Others even call them angels because they are the only ones who have complete numbers in their eyes.

They were beings that can not be reached by the people of the land.

She was six when she first learns that they can also die. And witnessed that the next would be born or rather appear in the pool that leads to the land. Their life was far longer than the people of the land.

A hundred years for the people of the land could be considered as a whole year for them.

Birthdays and such were nothing to them. They lived their lives reading or playing around, their only task was to make sure that the land wouldn't fall into chaos due to the powers brought by the numbers and shapes.

That was the duty given to them when they were finally fully aware of why they are living.

The numbers and shapes were the 54 playing cards. From 2 to 10, the jack, queen, king, ace and joker.

But among the people of the land, only the joker symbol, which is represented by shapes alone, were never seen. He or she was only born as a Superior to give balance to the good and bad between everyone.

There are two jokers in the playing cards but only one was born having two sides the good and the bad.

When you are born with these symbols, you are called a "player".

The player has the capability to manipulate the elements, these are the only magical powers that are bestowed to the players.

Earth for Clover.

Wind for Spade.

Water for Heart.

Fire for Diamond.

What shape you are born with will be your main element but one could still use two of the other three elements, as long as they were able to absorb the essences of these elements and raise its numbers.

People who were born players, could be born with different levels of powers. But one could develop it by training their given element.

To have two or three numbers, one is to do their best in cultivating the other elements. But some could also be born with it. While others could only be born with two and be unable to get a third number.

Once one get the pair of their main element, they would be able to use additional two elements.

For those with Fire or Earth as their main element, they will be able to use Magma. For those with Wind or Water as their main element, they will be able to use Ice.

In this regard a player could only use one of the two. That is because one needs pairs to actually unleash it.

Fire has Land while Wind has Water.

Even if one were born with two numbers as long as they are not the proper pair this player wouldn't be able to use the next level element.

Once one reach three numbers, they would be able to use lightning.

There are no four numbers among the people of the land.

No one has ever achieved it.

There are times that people tried to cultivate a fourth element but by the time they succeeded, their numbers would suddenly disappear and a brief glimpse of number two would appear.

When they tried cultivating again, they could feel just how slow they could accumulate the essences.

Their lives would then end before a new number could be created.

That is why TWO was regarded as the neglected number. Once it appears, you will no longer be a "player".

That is why people of the land have focused on cultivating just three numbers, doing their best to reach Aces of those.

Of course this is not as easy as it looks, if you are born with 5 and below, the lowest being 3, you will have to use your whole life to reach at least 9 or 10. 

When you are gifted then it would be fine but if not then you can only accept that truth.

Those who reached the letters, they were known as "Court", for only those who were born with high numbers could reach such level.

Especially the three Aces.

"Now do you understand why having two aces right now is very troublesome?" Astra spoke staring at her reflection as if she was narrating to it.

"If they wanted me to just look for that jerk, then giving me a low number would have been better, I can spend my time in a low key manner and find a trace about him."

She sighed and went ahead to take a bath, she shall go out for today to get some necessary things and start exploring this land.

Currently she was at Diamond I City.

Yes, yes, truly great naming sense. Each land has five main cities and was only differentiated with the roman numeral.

There are five main lands, Diamond, Clover, Spade and Heart. The fifth being the Central land where the competition is taking place.

Every year there is a competition being held, two group of students from the academies all through out the land were taken every year. They will represent their academy and their land.

The main school of the main cities of the land are always there every year in the competition. Then an additional group from the other schools which are chosen by the government.

So entering the main academy was at times the best choice for all of them.

Since the main school are always where the strongest enter.

Diamond has Gem Academy

Heart has Tear Academy.

Spade has Sword Academy.

Clover has Dawn Academy.

For every land, the one with roman numeral I is the biggest or the center of every land.

The Central Land was the biggest for it has forests, grasslands, canyons, volcanic places, artificial snow domes and stadiums for combat and shooting. The place was developed entirely for the tournament every year.

The competition always gives a lot of benefits to the students who are competing at the same time, Central Land has the most abundant essence that is beneficial for young people that are still growing.

The trains heading directly to the Central Land only has one station and it is located at the main city of every land. The reason why the train would pass through a few places before arriving to the sea and the Central Land.

The main city was always located at the center of the lands.