LOST CHAPTER... DON'T OPEN!!!! read chapter 56 after 53...

As they sat around a bonfire created by the guys while Kaito was still doing the cooking.

"I never thought you guys are doing your training in this way," Hayate admired them.

They didn't rely on what could be bought, such as essences but instead they went for the more traditional way.

"You guys actually do everything for yourselves?" he couldn't help but ask as he watched them do things with familiarity.

"We are the only ones out here, without doing anything then we would end up dying with hunger," Astra replied with a shrug.

"And the ingredients?" he asked out of curiosity.

Astra stared at him before she answered, for it seems that he was truly curious about what they were doing, "We hunt when we have time but since we have no time we have other people bring us ingredients. Hot food on the table after a long tiring training is better than cold ones bought from restaurants."