This Obvious Bullying

"By the way Hiro, are you here as her guardian?" Kaito asked right after.

Hiro rubbed his chin and thought for a bit before nodding his head, "Yes, you could say I am her guardian. I am here to train her after all."

"Train her? You're training her? Are you strong Hiro?" Kaito's eyes shone after hearing the word train.

"Hoho, you don't know just how strong I am," he replied with smugness.

Kaito's smile became wider, "Can you spar with me right now? There's a gym at the basement."

Hiro looked back at the closed door before looking back at Hiro, "Why not?"

After living for so long, one of the past times of the Superiors were hand to hand combat. They have tried different fighting styles trying what the people of the land would come up with.

The two of them started with light fight.

"You're good," Kaito commented.

"You're not bad yourself," Hiro replied.

It was another few minutes later that just as Hiro jumped back after Kaito's attack, he jumped to the side, evading an attack coming from behind.

"Hey, hey, hey. Are you really that mad? Attacking me while on sparring with another?" he asked but knew that if this was Astra's intention, he wouldn't have been able to evade it.

"Astra, I see you have come out," Kaito said upon seeing the other person.

"Since you guys seemed like you want some challenge. Why don't we have this in a three way sparring?"

Astra was already changed and is shaking her hand.

The two men looked at each other before grinning and the three of them started a three way fight.

At some point two would attack one at the same time, on another one would attack while the other two were engaged in a battle.

They didn't realize that people started gathering around them watching their uncommon way of practicing.

People even started wondering how it will go if these people were to use their powers. Seeing as the three of them were players.

But what amazed them even more was the woman who was holding her own against them and seeing her number four's, they assumed that this is the reason why they were not practicing with their powers.

Another hour later before they stopped and jumped away from one another.

Though sweating and breathing heavily, the three of them were invigorated. Especially so for Astra who always looked so bored.

Though she hated crowded places, moving ones body was still something she didn't reject. She couldn't just be reading the books they have after all.

So with only them and his companions learning new things from the land, she was good with hand to hand combat.

"Wow, never thought you could move like that Astra. No wonder that man was unable to lay a hand on you. Did you know that he was a black belter in a certain fighting style?" Kaito then said as they walk out of the place not minding the looks the people are giving them.

Astra looked at him in confusion and seeing as she don't recognize what he was talking about, Kaito couldn't help but to laugh.

Astra just tilted her head to the side. She really had forgotten what he was talking about.

"What is it?" Hiro became curious at this.

"Well, during her entrance examination someone who didn't pass that was one level higher than her fours tried to humiliate her. He tried to attack her only to be the one to slide on the floor because Astra was easily able to evade his attack," Kaito instantly told the story.

Astra, who was trying to remember what he was talking about, finally remembered who he was talking about.

"He seemed to be an insignificant one, I had forgotten about him," she then said.

Hiro looked at Astra intently, that's when he realized that her numbers that was supposed to be Aces were altered to look like number fours.

Then, if it was a number five, surely he wouldn't be an opponent of hers.

Abilities do not only enhance their powers but enhance their physical strength as well. Not to mention that Astra was a superior and her current body would be even more special.

"You must have bullied him," Hiro couldn't help but to comment.

Astra raised an eyebrow at him, "When I didn't even touch him?"

Kaito who had his hands behind his head then spoke up once again, "Well, she really didn't touch him but for people who didn't see it, they would think that she had bullied him with his looks."

Astra glared at him this time.

Kaito raised both hands at her and with a smile, "I didn't say, we think you bullied him. He bullied you okay. He bullied you."

Hiro seeing this interaction looked at Kaito intently, he too couldn't help but be drawn to this person who has such a bright personality.

Plus he can see that his actions were natural, that it was truly his personality.

Yet, for Astra to actually act like this towards him was what shock him even more.

If it was a stranger, she would have ignored that person completely but at the short time she had spent here, she was acting all natural towards this kid.

"You seem to be a good one kid," he couldn't help but to comment.

"Hmmm? Well, I heard that a lot. Though most of them were the grandmas and grandpas. This is the first time I heard it from someone of your age," Kaito replied.

The three of them reached the last floor.

"Goodnight Hiro, goodnight Astra," Kaito waved them goodbye and entered his own unit.

Hiro and Astra entered hers and that's when Hiro remembered that her unit only has one room.

"You can sleep in the sofa," was her words and just went inside her room no longer bothering with him.

"But I have no blanket or pillow," was his unheard complain for the door was closed the moment he opened his mouth.

He felt like crying at this obvious bullying, even Silva didn't leave him a penny to spend while in here.

For when they came down, they were only here to answer Astra's call. Him staying behind was not part of the plan at all.