Bare With It

"So you're saying that a teacher of yours who is currently a none player actually has the same physique as ours?" Hiro asked Astra upon hearing what she has to say.

After coming home, Astra immediately asked Hiro whether any of them encountered people with physique that is vastly different than the others.

Or if ever they met someone who became a none player after the neglected number appeared on them.

To which he replied with them having no chat regarding that.

"I have felt it, the fluctuations in his body was vastly different from everyone. And when I did asked the others all of them just said that no one has ever won against him when it comes to physical fights."

Hiro thought for a bit, "This is indeed something that none of us have ever encountered. I'll go and try to ask the others, you should go and check him more."

Seeing as she was still staring at him, "What is it?"

"Do you... Do you think it might be him?" she couldn't help but ask.

Even though they are searching for the fourteenth, who should have been at the age of sixteen, since a long time has passed and they didn't feel any disturbance in the land.

Hiro understood what was going on her mind. He smiled helplessly and placed a hand on top of her head, "We told you that you should take your time."

Ophelia was their youngest at the age of ten but she was always surrounded by them that they got used to her being their youngest.

Astra was different, ever since young she loves staying alone that they didn't get the chance to dote on her, it was the fourteenth that they got the chance to.

Seeing her helpless right now, he understood very well that feeling like this was something she never wanted to feel.

Since young no one could tell what she wants or if she wasn't feeling well, she always do things on her own.

That is why being able to be an older brotehr to her now, he couldn't help but to have a doting attitude towards her despite always being bullied by her thunderous mood.

"We will surely find him and give him a good beating. DOn't stress yourself too much. At the same time, did you feel any connection towards him when you saw him?"

Astra shook her head. She knew full well that what she asked was something that is impossible, just that even though it was just more than a month since she came. SHe couldn't help but feel impatient.

Hiro chuckled, "Just enjoy it. None of us ever tried entering a school so you should enjoy it while it last. You are the very first one to try it after all."

After that he went out to the forest where he sent Silvia.

It is better to do the talking face to face than just sending letters. At the very least twelve of them could talk about this sudden discovery.

As he waited to go up he looked back to where Astra lives, 'Seriously, you just came down and found so many things already. Aren't you lucky?'

In reality, other than enjoying the land, they would also come down to see some developments and if these developments were for the good or not.

They would sometimes have competition over this to pass up some time, finding enjoyment in the simplest things.

Astra was looking outside the window as she waited, she had read every book regarding the abilities and have become well acquainted with the happenings of the land.

She had been training her ability to pass as a number six, right now after encountering a person with the same physique as them, she was greatly disturbed.

She could only sigh, she really shouldn't be impatient. It was just a good month that passed, they still have a lot of time to search for him.

She closed her eyes and expanded her presence, trying to reach out to him despite the many times that she had failed to contact him.

It five minutes later when a knock came through her door.

She furrowed her brows knowing full well that Hiro may not return today or even tomorrow.

She checked the peephole and saw Kaito standing outside while looking towards the balcony she stood in the past, his brows furrowed as if thinking something so deep.

"What is it?" she asked upon opening the door and Kaito who seemed to be in deep thought looked at her in a startled manner.

"You are the one who knocked, why are you being startled now?" she raised an eyebrow upon seeing his reaction.

"Oh... Uhmmm..."

Kaito frowned making Astra frown as well.

"Are you sleep walking?" she asked.

Kaito shrug before looking back at her, "Where's Hiro?"

"He's not here right now. He might return tomorrow or the next? Do you need something from him?" she asked.

Kaito's shoulder slumped upon hearing that Hiro was not around before he suddenly became energized again while looking back at her.

"Let's go spar."

Astra understood instantly that he came here to have a spar with Hiro who was sparring with him for almost everyday since they met.

"I don't like," was her instant reply but before she could close the door, Kaito stopped her and held unto her hand.

The door doesn't really need a key to open if one didn't use one to lock it. It has an automatic code lock other than the key one.

And so when she was pulled the door locked behind her and she could only follow him downstairs. Even if she pull away he will just pull her back.

And since she was a bit emotionally disturbed she thought that it might not be too bad to go and move her body to release some steam.

After three hours of sparring getting the attention of everyone in the gym once again, the two of them walked up to the park of the apartment property, enjoying the night air.

"I am already out of breath at the same time sweating a lot, yet look at you. Barely even sweating," Kaito complained as he drink from his bottled water.

"It only means you are still lacking," Astra answered as she wipe her little sweat.

Kaito laughed upon hearing this, she was somewhat narcissistic isn't she?

"How was your first day?" he asked after a while.

"Hate it," was her plain reply.

Kaito once again laughed, "You are being ridiculed after all. A number four in the top of the class. No one has ever done that in their history."

"They are just being jealous of what I have, though I myself didn't really want it," Astra shrugged before sighing.

Kaito looked at her with a smile, "Bare with it, you'll surely enjoy it as time goes by."

Astra just looked at him no longer commenting.

"Then allow me to treat you to something for allowing me to spar with you," he then said as he pulled her out of the apartment.

"Oh no. I hate crowds," she instantly rejected planting her feet on the ground.

"Don't worry, the time is quite late, there's not much of a crowd to where I am bringing you."

After saying this, he once again pulled at her and they walked for about ten minutes before reaching a place.

"Is there a festival or something?" she asked.

The place was a stretch of road where stalls are on both side of the road, the lights coming from each stall made the whole place look lively.

And maybe because it was indeed late, the amount of people touring around was not too much.

At the same time, since it was close by to houses and all, the people weren't wearing outer wears but most were walking around with their house wears.

"There's no festival, this place had always been here but it always opens during late afternoon till late at night. It was fun to look around from time to time," Kaito replied as he started walking while she followed.

"It is beautiful," she couldn't help but say, she was always inside the house only watching the outside through her window during the night.

This is the first time she came out and found this place very beautiful for the lights looks like the stars because of its amount.

"Right? Come on, let's see what we can enjoy in this place," Kaito answered.

Though he said the word enjoy, all they did was look around. From time to time buying some food, to be more precise, he was the one buying for she didn't bring anything when he pulled her out.

For the first time ine her life, she truly enjoyed this walk. The amount of people was not too much and she was able to look around without being hindered.

Of course she still tried to expand her presence but to no avail.

"I guess I'll have to wake you up tomorrow," Kaito said after they reached their floor.

Astra remembered that Hiro was indeed not around, "You try and I'll try."

Kaito just shook his head before saying goodbye and entering his own place.

Astra felt a lot better so she looked towards his door and thanked him silently.