Was That All You Got?

Astra having exams had no other choice but to attend her class.

She actually didn't want to but Hiro told her that she must fully enjoy student life.

She decided to just experience it and was already planning on staying just for a year, if there's still no news of him then she will be leaving to check other places.

Everyone stared at her when she stepped into the first class for the first time in a week.

When she entered the class and saw Astra, her eyes turned sharp instantly.

'Hated me too much, I see,' Astra thought stopping herself from shaking her head.

"As for today, as you know from yesterday. It will be running with hurdles. It is still the same, ten laps before you can finish. For those who can't then failing is your only option."

After saying this, she gave Astra another look before everyone left the room.

'Hurdles,' Astra thought before remembering the made up running ground outside the mansion, it was filled with different kinds of hurdles that her companions learned from the land.

Upon coming down she shrugged upon seeing that it was plain hurdles to be jumped over while running.

In their place, they have different kinds such as this and some circle ones. There are also rocks to be stepped on and many more. And since that was what she got used to, seeing the obstacle now. She felt that it was an easy one.

"Remember to jump over all those hurdles. If you miss one then you'll fail," the teacher said as she signalled for them to start.

Astra felt that the look she gave her was something quite different but didn't pay any attention to it.

She allowed the others to run before her, letting them go ahead and watch as each jump over those hurdles.

If they do this for ten rounds then it would really be a torturous one.

'Doing this rigorous training then having an exam right after. Quite torturous,' she thought as she started running.

Yet to her surprise just as she was about to jump on the first hurdle, fire lit up on it.

Since it was too sudden, she could only jump over and burn the hair in her legs. Though she did feel the pain from the burn as well.

'Imust have injured it,' she thought as she didn't stop but she could still feel the pain.

She watched carefully as she kept running, she saw that no one else experienced it and it was only her who would have to jump over hurdles with fire.

She turned and looked at the teacher and she noticed her smirking towards her. When she thought back, she remembered that one of her three numbers were ten of diamond.

With a scoff, she didn't bother with the teacher and kept running. She had run three hurdles already and since their training attire is shorts, she had already injured herself.

Kaito noticed that something was amiss and started slowing down.

"Hey just keep running," Astra called out.

When Kaito looked at her, he can see that her eyes are shinning.

Astra was never played like this before as a superior. Being played at even though she had already shown her stand that she will accept anything, makes her just want to play with them.

'Do you think an ability of someone from the land could win against an ability from a superior?' she thought.

Before she reached the next hurdle, she looked back at the teacher and smirked at her.

The teacher, Kikune, was confused by this look from her. But continued what she was doing.

She was defending her actions as an additional training for a student who loves skipping even though she was the weakest.

If her group of friends were to hear it, they would have rolled their eyes at her.

'Just who was it that outrun everyone on the first day of training and run for additional two runs without even becoming out of breath?'

Astra looked back at the course with a smile on her face. As she was close to it, fire again ignited but she still jumped yet this time she was unharmed.

Kikune furrowed her brows upon seeing that her fire didn't affect Astra at all.

She kept going at it for the second, third, fourth and fifth round. This time even the other four have noticed what was wrong but Astra looked at them saying not to do anything.

That woman was just a number ten while she is an ace, despite only having two numbers.

Astra knew that Kikune would surely be drained after this and that is the reason why she didn't bother stopping her.

On her ninth to tenth round, Astra noticed that the fire's becoming more agitated that the start and even the students who are already done in their run noticed this as they watch her.

"That's what she get for being disrespectful and airy just because she is a number four who was in the top class," one of the girls who ended up being drenched a week ago mocked.

Some agreed to her while others are looking at Astra in amazement for she was still running despite the additional obstacle for her. They also noticed that her legs were red meaning that she has a burn.

The other four were seriously watching her, if she didn't stopped them with her eyes. They would have stopped the teacher already.

But every time Astra passed the teacher she would look at her with a smug smile and Kikune would have a darker face.

On the last round and the last hurdle, Kikune who was extremely agitated released her fire and it engulfed the hurdle reaching so high.

If Astra were to stop she would surely fail.

Now everyone was anticipating what she will be doing. They didn't know how she passed through so many with only that much of an injury. But this one is obviously a fire that could severely injure her.

"Astra!!" Kaname called, seeing that Astra was intending to jump over it still.

The anticipation turned to amazement when after jumping, Astra was unharmed and even the fire was put out.

She yawned and turned to Kikune, "Was that all you got? How boring."


But just as Kikune was about to rebuke her, she lost strength on her legs.

This greatly shock everyone, why is it that the teacher was the one who is drained?

Even Kikune was shock at this, it was impossible. It should have been impossible. She was a number ten and a three numbered at that. Why was she drained by this?

"Teacher you are our ability teacher so why is it that you are drained over such a small act?" Astra asked again.

Kikune was trembling as she was filled with rage. She was planning to use it as an excuse to fail Astra but it backfired and she was the one being ridiculed.

Astra walked towards her, towering her.

Her eyes shinning just like the stars in the galaxy, "Next time, you should do this training as well."

Without waiting for anyone else to speak she walked away from that place no longer looking back.

Kikune could only roar in an agitated manner as she watch that woman walk away arrogantly.

Kaito and the others followed Astra no looking at Kikune with disappointment.

Whispers spread out of the class after what happened.

They didn't know how it happen but a number four was actually able to drain a teacher of the most prestigious school. This is truly an embarassment.

"She is disrespectful, I will never forgive her."

Kikune together with the other teachers were on the principal's office complaining about what happened today.

It was already afternoon and students ar already on their way home.

"Basing it on your story, don't you think that you are the one being unjust right now miss Kikune?"

Toyama, the principal, asked in return after listening to Kikune's complaints.

"Sir, please, listen carefully. That student had been ditching class all this time and now that she has returned I just want to disscipline her and yet here she was disrespecting me in front of her classmates."

Kikune was still trembling, she still don't understand how she becamde drained when she was obviously far stronger than Astra.

Daiki remained silent as he looked out the window just in time to see Kaito and Astra walking out of the campus.

There is somethhing he gained after losing his ability as a player, something he hides by wearing a glasses.

But after listening to Kikune's words, he decided to remove his glasses and looked at Astra. Only to be in great shock.

He was even more shock when Astra turned around and looked at their direction.

"What's wrong sir Daiki?" Toyama noticed this and asked.

Daiki put back his glasses before looking back at him, "It is nothing principal.

He has no plans on telling anyone about his capability, it was uncommon and he knew there are people experimenting on those who are unique.

Since he no longer has the power of a player, he can't let them know. He was but a physically strong person right now.