With A Mischievous Smile

As she walk away from everyone, Astra's arm was suddenly pulled before she was carried princess like.

Shock was on her face as she looked at Kaito who suddenly carried her.

"I am okay actually," she said after snapping out of her shock.

"Alright? Your legs are really red that in needs ointment. How can you be alright?"

It was Shinobu who reprimanded her.

"That's right, just how hot was the fire that teacher Kikune used? And why did she do that?" Kaname added.

"Isn't it obvious? She was bullying Astra," Takao replied before looking back at the people.

When they finally noticed what was going on and saw that Astra still pushed through despite the danger, especially the last hurdle where the fire actually engulfed her whole being.

"Does it hurt?" Kaname asked as she looks like she was the in pain while the nurse was taking care of Astra'a burn.

Astra looked at her legs before looking at Kaname.

She sighed, "It is but not as painful as you all think, it is really tolerable."

"But how did you do it?" Kaito asked.

"The first three I was unprepared, causing me this small injury but the next ones? Of course I used my ability, this was training after all," Astra replied with a shrug.

"Your ability? Water?" Shinobu asked this time.

Astra nodded her head, "By enveloping my legs with a thin layer of water, I was able to protect myself from the heat."

"And the last hurdle?" Takao looked at her and wondered.

"My whole body, including my clothes I mean," she replied as she swings her legs. Feeling that the pain almost subsided she stood up.

"Try not to change out of your gym shorts, it is better not to irritate your skin," the nurse told her.

Their uniform was leggings after all together with boots.

Astra nodded and thanked her before stepping out of the clinic.

Kaito laughed, "No wonder the teacher ended up being drained. Seeing as you are unharmed by her attack, she tried to increase the power ending with her using it for the whole ten rounds of your run."

He rubs his chin with a mischievous smile, "With twenty hurdles every turn, that makes it abuot two hundred. If she only raised her numbers by consuming essence, then surely she would have difficulty in maintaining her energy."

"And if she didn't train as well, then that makes it even more obvious," Takao added placing his arm around Kaito's shoulder.

"Ah trainer not training, how funny," Kaname added with a giggle.

Astra shakes her head with a smile.

Shinobu was also smiling but he reamined silent.

Astra stretched her hands up, "That was so refreshing."

She was not fond of words but moving her body in order to fight those who tries to harm her.

Kaito laughed upon seeing her refreshed look, "You actually enjoyed that?"

"I hate moving my body but getting back at those people is quite refreshing," she replied.

"I remembered what you did back to those three girls, kicking open the door before kicking the falling bucket towards them. That was hilarious," Takao laughed.

"Well, if it was not against the school rules to use your ability in engaging fights with your classmates, I would have drenched them with water as well," Astra answered back.


"What's wrong?"

Both of them arrived a bit later than the other three, it was three days after the incident in the training class.

Astra who arrived at her seat earlier than Kaito was looking at Kaname's back intently with a serious look on her face.

Astra looked at him before looking at the other two. Shinobu was reading his book while Takao was laying on his table, sleeping.

'They didn't know and didn't notice?' she thought.

Kaito furrowed his brows as he looked at her, she looked to serious that he felt like something was wrong.

Astra didn't say anything and waited until lunch, the five of them would always eat at the roof top.

Just as they step out of the room.

"Kaname," one girl called and smiled.

Kaname flinched upon hearing this.

Astra looked back, it was one of the girls whom she threw the bucket at.

'Let me see, was it Rina? Yes, I think that was her name,' she thought as she just looked at that girl.

Kaname didn't say anything and just walked making those girls frown.

The other three were already walking ahead not noticing what just happened but Astra did.

She gave them one last look before following behind Kaname.

Upon reaching the roof top and before they can sit down to eat, Astra held Kaname's shoulder before pulling her hand and pushing up her sleeves.

She also noticed that Kaname gasped when she held her shoulder.

"Astra- What the hell is that?" Kaito together with the other two were enraged by what they saw.

Kaname's arm were blue obviously was injured, there were also some wounds that just healed.

Astra didn't say anything and just looked at the wounds, looked at her hands.

Kaname tried to pull it away.

"I just fall-"

"The stairs. Don't use that lame excuse on us," Shinobu interrupted her and said seriously.

Kaname pursed her lips, she acted normally but how did Astra knew she was injured.

Superior's have another ability other than the powers, that is they can see if one were feeling unwell and they could see in color whether a person of the land is injured.

She noticed Kaname's injury yesterday but the color she saw today was much more.

"Why?" she asked after a while.

"Hmmm?" Kaname was confused by her words.

"Are you too weak? Or did they bring more people? Or did they threaten you? If they did and it is about me, then I would hit you harder than they did," she looked at her eyes and asked continuously.

The guys were also a bit shock by her questions.

Kaname bit her lower lip, one of those they brought with them were the secretary in the student council and she was also just like Kaito. Her parent is a major shareholder of the school.

She has a lot of power that one word and the whole school would go against Astra.

Astra wanted to leave a peaceful life, she was the one being wronged but those girls just won't let it be.


Seeing her reaction Astra asked.

"Who was their backer?"

Kaname looked at her in shock, she didn't expect for her to get it right.

"I don't think you are someone who would let others hurt you just like that. Then you must have been threatened about me but since Kaito is with you then that only means someone who has more connections are backing them. So who?"

She had an indifferent look, so the four of them didn't know what she was thinking.

"The student council secretary," Kaname replied.

"Go and bring her to the infirmary," Astra said looking at Takao and Shinobu.

"Let's go," she then said to Kaito.

"Where are you going Astra?" Kaname panicked.

"I came here because I have nothing better to do. Being expelled or something is nothing to me. Think about the reason you came here and what your parents would feel if you are the one being expelled and being harmed?"

They heard of it, that the relationship between parents and children are very much special.

Kaname pursed her lips swallowing her retort.

"I thank you for thinking about me. Don't worry, I am not someone who allows others bully me. I barely fight back because I just don't feel like it. But that doesn't mean I can tolerate this."

After saying this, she walked away and Kaito followed with a serious look.

"Let's go, that needs to be checked," Shinobu sighed and said to Kaname.

They were not worried for Kaito is with her. Plus if it were them in her place they would also do something about it.

Kaname nodded her head and walked with them.

Actually she was called a while ago because those girls wanted her to distance herself from Astra. They also said that some other people would do the same with the three guys.

But she was not a submissive person just as what Astra said, she don't care about the consequence for her but she will not stay away from Astra.

Despite knowing her only for a short span of time spending time with her was fun enough already.


The ones in the student council office were shock when the door was suddenly slammed open.

"Ah, that girl," Subaru, the vice president, said as his first reaction.

Astra looked around before her eyes landed on a girl with white hair and blue eyes.

She has three numbers all in the number of nine, spade, diamond and clover.

Since most are still in shock, no one was able to move when Astra walked towards this lady.

And to give more shock to them, she pulled that lady by the collar over her table making her shriek in shock.

Astra pulled her close to her face with her raging eyes.

"A challenge, I am challenging you in the stage at the center of the campus. Accept it then we'll have a fair fight, if you don't then be ready for the consequences of what you have done."

After saying this, Astra pushed her back to her sit before she looked at the president, Xenon.

"You shall be the witness."

After saying this she walked out of the room. Kaito looked at teh secretary intently before following Astra out and closing the door behind him.