He'll Appear For Sure

"It seems that Shinobu isn't the only one special among your group," Astra commented as she and Kaito walked towards the train station.

"It seems that someone does not need the essence tube at all," Kaito said in return while grinning.

Astra looked at him and shakes her head, "You already know about it but I really have no desire of showing it right now."

"Well, I did notice it a few times since young that I would sometimes do things better than Shinobu. Though I have no idea why so I opt to not saying anything about it," he answered after hearing her answer.

"Hmmm, I thought you are someone who loves to brag," she teased him in return.

Kaito laughed, "I may be an easy going person but I am not that vain to always show off."

"So you still shows off," she replied just as they boarded the train.

Already knowing her irritation, Kaito stood in front of her while she stayed near the door. The afternoon ride was the most arduous one for her.

"What did you do the other day by the way?" Kaito remembered and asked.

"I almost got off on the first stop," she replied knowing what he was referring to.

Kaito looked at her amused, "Still not used to it?"

"I will never get used to it," she answered straightforwardly.

He chuckled just as the train swayed ending up with another girl bumping into him.

"I'm sorry," she apologized.

Astra looked at her and smiled but didn't say anything, Kaito, on the other hand, just nodded his head not saying anything.

Seeing this aloof answer, it was not in line with his usual easy going personality.

Astra thought he would at the very least say it's fine with a smile or offer his help but he actually just nodded before returning his look towards her.

"What?" he asked upon seeing the look she was giving him.

Astra didn't say anything for the girl was still there and just shrugged it off, it was not her business whether he interacts with anyone or not.

When they got off she remained silent but Kaito was already overcome with curiosity.

"What was with that look a while ago?" he asked her.

Astra who was enjoying the silence of the night looked at him and chuckled, he really looks like he was dying of curiosity.

"You are quite dense aren't you? Or are you just trying to ignore it?" she asked after hearing his question.

Kaio frowned upon hearing her words and seeing her teasing look.

"You haven't noticed then?" She asked again when she can see that he was genuinely wondering what she was talking about.

"Noticed what? Stop playing with me now," he urged.

"You haven't notice that there was a certain person who had been riding the same train as us every single day. And would look at you from time to time?" Astra was amused by this.

She was not clueless with the going ons of people falling in love with one another.

And she can see the difference in the look that lady gave Kaito.

"Should I notice each and everyone?" he asked while frowning.

Astra laughed, "Aren't you a bit too unfriendly right now? Who was it that talked non stop to me when we first met? Was it a different person?"

Kaito grumpily looked at her, "I m not too free. It just so happens I was free when I met you and ended up befriending you."

Astra smiled, is he now?

"Anyway, you also didn't notice someone observing you?" she asked.

Kaito just stared at her, she didn't know what he was thinking about but his stare tells her that he has no time to think about people observing him especially those who has no ill intent.

"Well, I guess there will be a broken hearted person once she finds out that you never noticed her at all," Astra shook her head as she said this.

She noticed that this girl had been glancing or observing Kaito but never approached, then the day before yesterday when she was alone, she noticed the girl looking at her as if asking why he was not around.

And today the girl finally had the courage to come close only to be dismissed just like that by Kaito.

She looked at him, scrutinizing his look, she was even rubbing her chin with her hands.

Kaito couldn't help but to have a step back as she looks at him in such a way.

"Well you are indeed a good looking man, adding with the fact that you have a bright aura, that makes people get close to you. Your personality isn't bad either."

"Well, except for the fact that you tricked me in entering that school for that so called competition. Nonetheless, she must have seen you helping me out in the train making her fall for you being a gentleman."

She kept looking up and down at him as she said her piece.


His face slowly turned red for it was the first time a girl was as straight forward as this.

Being complimented a lot straight in the face will make anyone blush.

Astra laughed, he was playful, who would have thought he was this pure. 

"Stop teasing me!!" he complained when she laughed at him.

"Anyway, that lady was the one who bumped into you when the train swayed a while ago and was looking at you hopefully, that you would also help protect her from the pack of people."

Kaito frowned instantly, "I don't even know her and if we are going to talk about the train rides even if it was everyday, she only saw me at max for a month."

He didn't know the lady and so he came up with this conjecture.

Astra shrugged, she was not some kind of what they call a cupid to try and make these two close, heck she was a Superior okay. This was not part of their duty.

"You really, coming out of that mansion makes you observe even the most ridiculous thing," Kaito seeing as she already dropped it commented.

"The mansion is a peaceful place and coming out was not my choice. But experiencing different things isn't bad either," she replied.

"Since childhood you had been there?" he couldn't help but ask.

After hearing some things from her, he and the others had the conjecture that they must be orphans living in a mansion together.

"You can say that, speaking of childhood. You guys had been together since childhood?" Astra replied not wanting to divulge more about her.

"Yeah, we have been together since young," he answered with pride in his face.

He look so proud that he and the others stayed strong in their friendship and reached this age together.

Astra nodded her head, Childhood Friend.

She and the fourteenth could be called as childhood friends as well for they were the only ones of the same age when it comes to the Superior.

Seeing as she suddenly turned nostalgic.

"The one you're looking for, do you have such relationship with him?"

"Yes, we are the only ones of the same age among our group."

The two fell silent, Kaito had noticed that when their talk would go to the person she was looking for, sadness would appear in her eyes.

"Is there a way for us to help you search for him?" he couldn't help but ask.

Astra looked at him, "There is no way. You do remember me saying that I don't have his name or his look. That means he could have changed it and simply searching for those won't allow us to find him."

Kaito visibly turned gloomy making Astra chuckle.

"He'll appear that's for sure."