Let's Go, They Are Here

"Can you tell your brother to stop bothering me?"

Astra who was ready to return to their room a while ago actually went up to the roof to sleep, no one could reprimand her for her scores in history were still the top.

And so as she was lying down in the roof top, her teacher came up to speak with her having no qualms of his subject being ditched by his student.

"My brother has no leash, it is difficult even for me sir," she replied sitting down.

"Why me?" Daiki couldn't help but ask her.

Somehow he doesn't feel like he was talking to a sixteen year old when he speak with Astra.

"Why would you be asking me that sir, shouldn't you be asking the person in question instead of me. I have no idea what goes in that mind of his."

'I actually do but I really can't tell you now can I? We are observing you. Those words aren't appropriate at all,' she added in her mind.

Daiki sighed, "It seems he only came here because of you. So I think you would be able to."

Astra looked at him, "Sir, he is my older brother and is currently my teacher. He is older than me and a working person while I am a student."

Her words were simple, adults should talk to adults and not include the young ones.

Daiki frowned before sighing. He didn't bet that him talking to her would amount to anything but he was really not used to people being around him after he became a non player.

That is why Hiro pestering him made him skeptical.

"I can only say that my brother is interested on non players and wanted to learn more about the neglected number. He does not mean any harm," Astra commented after seeing his look.

Well, the Superiors couldn't truly kill people of the land and her hitting that Hikari back then was already the limit, if she still went over board then she will receive some backlash.

"I have no desire of divulging my constitution to other people," he replied with a frown.

"You could tell that to my brother sir, telling this to me has no use, really," she answered before returning to her lying position.

Daiki was helpless towards this person, even though she was the student and he was the teacher. She still showed amazing knowledge towards the history that he actually has nothing more to teach.

Soon he left without saying anything more.

'I guess I apologize to you in advance, one reason why we can come down is because we need to learn more about the history of the land.'


The south gate was actually where Kaito and Astra were the closest as they join the festival. And so this is also where they will wait for the other three.

"You waited!"

As they stood there, they heard a familiar voice and looking towards it, it was the same person from the train.

She actually looked happy upon seeing them- no, upon seeing Kaito.

And when she noticed that Astra was once again beside him, her smile lessened.

Kaito didn't say anything and just looked at her, they were waiting for the other three and not for her. It just so happens that it is on the same place where they should wait.

She took a deep breath after approaching them, "I'm so happy that you came. I thought you really forgot about me."

"I actually don't know you," Kaito was not a real gentleman in the end for he rejected her so harshly.

He actually didn't feel good towards this person.He was a friendly one but there are people whom he actually does not feel good and among them is this unfamiliar but at the same time unfamiliar person.

The girl was shock when she heard what he just said.

"You… don't know me?" she asked as if what he said was truly unbelievable.

"I don't," Kaito replied without batting an eyelid.

"I'm Minami, from second grade," she looked at him and said and if she can then she would have hold him by his arms and shake him.

'Second grade? But Shinobu and the others didn't know anyone with her characteristics. Did they perhaps forgot as well?'

As she thought of this, she looked at Kaito and was stunned to see his face changed greatly. He always had a bright look on him but right now she can see that it had turned dark.

He didn't look too mad but if this Minami person were to continue talking then Astra could tell that Kaito would surely get mad.

"Second grade?" he asked again.

And if Astra was not mistaken, she seemed to have heard a scoff coming from him.

She had seen him interact with other girls, some were even those he only met. But not once did she saw him interact in this kind of way.

The only time she saw him mad were when she and he went to the student council office to look for Hikari.

"Yes, after you left. I tried to look for you in your house but you and your family moved, I couldn't apologize," Minami looked up at him and said with sadness in her voice.

Kaito has an indifferent look and when he noticed the other three coming he took hold of Astra's wrist.

"Let's go, they are here," he told her before walking past Minami who looks like she was about to cry.

Astra just let him do as he please for she can tell that something about his past were not good and that includes that girl. When she looked back, Minami remained standing there without moving or looking at them.

"What happened?"

Obviously the other three noticed that something was amiss towards Kaito when they finally reached each other.

"Nothing," Kaito answered.

The other three looked at Astra and she could only shake her head. He didn't want to say anything and so she has no right to say anything as well.

Plus she didn't even know what happened during their second grade, so what will she tell them?

"Let's go? I want to check everything. This is our first time in City I anyway," Kaito took a deep breath and said regaining back a bit of his jolliness.

The others could see that he really didn't want to say anything so they could only brush it off their minds and enjoy the festival.

Stands were everywhere, food, games, tokens and many more.

There are also little rides, one would usually see during such festivities.

For Astra it was more colorful than the night market near their apartment.

Kaito slowly returned to his usual cheerfulness as well, playing around with Takao on some of the mini games.

They laughed and enjoyed themselves and Astra actually truly enjoyed it even though there were a lot people, her friends was actually good enough to let her stay in the middle.

Allowing her to stay safe from the people that they bump into during their little endeavor.

And as they say it, by chance she and Kaito actually ended up being separated from the other three.