Her Suspicions

When he whispered these words to her, Astra looked up at him and wanted to tell him that it was unnecessary but he just gave her a look.

At this moment, snow gale came to their side coming from two sides. In turn, Kaito used Fire to protect them.

Him having two numbers were a plus because he was already a number eight but the fact that these two were not a pair, he actually have no second level of ability.

And this was his greatest weakness, he tried hard for the past years to absorb the earth or water essence but to no avail. Currently he just knew how to combine his two elements, making him stronger than the others his age.


She heard him say when steam erupted from the two powers colliding.

But just then another attack came from a different side, having five opponents is not good for the two of them. Especially so, because Kaito does not want to make Astra move.