I Learned About That

They stared blankly at her when she brought it up, what was it?

But wasn't that the bottle they saw she was holding when she was walking towards the stage a while ago?

"What is it?" Kaname asked taking it from her.

She smelled it and look at it closely but has no idea what it was, it was crystalline in texture and in granules. But as to what it was, she still couldn't tell.

Shinobu and Takao took turns checking it out but even they were unable to tell what was the content.

Astra smiled at them, "Taste it."

They stared at her not knowing if she was serious or not.

They have no idea of what it was but she was telling them to taste it, isn't that a bit.

Astra laughed seeing their looks, "Are you thinking that it is not edible? Come on just taste it and you will know that it is very much edible. An everyday thing."