The Crowd Went Into An Uproar

Xenon and Subaru went up and they will be facing three ten numbered tandem.

"It will be challenging but unless you feel like you really are in danger then still don't use your lightning. Just use your other elements. Having combat with more people is better than juat one person. With this experience you would be able to assess yourselves better, which ad how you should improve."

They listened attetivel to her words for it was not the first time she had said things that truly helped them.

So with these words, Xenon and Subaru wet up to face their opponents on the first round.

"You know..."

Shinobu commented as they watch the other two.

"When I first met you with Kaito, the way you acted and the way you spoke I actually never thought that you are a leader type person. I thought you would be the odd one out of the group ad would be the one doing things last."