They All Wanted Her To Understand

Kaname was bewildered by his words, treasure herself more than she thinks she understands?

Astra glanced at her but didn't say anything.

Kaname thought she was already taking care of herself jut fine but it was not enough, she could have used wind or water to stop her fall off the stage ending with her having bruises but she left it to just jumping off.

If she were to end up being on a real fight then she would put her life at risk. And it seems that Subaru have noticed this as well that is why he had been giving such advise to her.

For now, Astra looked back on stage.

"You guys watch closely," she then said to all of them.

"It is not all about having the next level element but to how you can utilize everything in your disposition to fight and defend," she added.

Kaito only has fire and wind in his repertoir, but both were already at number ten. At the same time, among them, Kaito had the greatest improvement in fighting prowess.