I Can Finally Do What I Want

'Even though I did say that we might take a life here, it was obviously still not an easy one. No to be more precise, it was very difficult. They were trained well enough that even my sneak attacks were being guarded upon,' Astra thought looking at the squad ten members.

They were wounded much more than her group.

'To think that despite the rise in numbers we were still this weak,' she thought again.

Astra blew out some air as she jumped down the tree, she was currently in which is close to where Osamu and the others are.

Kiryuu looked at her and seeing as she was unharmed, he looked at Kaito, scratches here and there were present but nothing major.

Then he looked at the others and saw that they too only have some scratches.

"You never truly learned your lesson haven't you Ren?" he then said sternly towards Ren, who was still in shock to see them here.