I Don't Get You

"He asked what?" Astra asked Kiryuu, just like Hiro, he was tasked to bring them food not that he was complaining about it. Well, he couldn't even if he wanted to.

"He asked if the force could use your training regimen," Kiryuu repeated.

Then he frowned, "Are you not okay with it?"

"Hmmm? No, not at all. I am fine with it. I was just shock that they wanted to use it," was her reply, even tilting her head to the side with furrowed brows.

She couldn't get why they would want to use such a barbaric way of training.

Though she knew it was barbaric, with their limited time and the fact that they were weaker than most of the people, she could only make her friends do this training.

"It was the energy training that they needed the most and I think it was also the right thing to do, we can't have everyone being depleted of their energy when our enemies seemed to be so strong," Kiryuu replied.