Her message Was Simple

"Are we trying to be there in a week? What kind of speed was that?!?!"

"Tired already?!? We just started, where are all those energy training?!?"

"We are preparing for a battle and not some competition, get those powers moving!!!"

Her words landed one after another as they started working properly on their flight training.

"Takao how many times must I tell you not to rely on your wind alone!! An explosive start with the help of your fire is a good way for speed. From time to time you can use it to move more."

"I am doing it!!"

"Well I cannot see it, so get those powers working."

Takao gritted his teeth before flying up and doing what she was asking for.

"Kaname until when are you going to lack behind, we don't need such slow pacing improvement!!!"

"I am trying!!"

"Then try harder, we need more power here not just some support."