Don't Let Them Lose More

"How do you feel now?"Kaname asked Astra.

It has been three days since she had woken up but she could still feel her wound hurting a lot.

'What do I expect? It was very deep wound after all,' she thought before she shook her head towards Kaname.

"I feel fine do not worry. It is a deep wound so it is pretty much normal that I still haven't gotten my strength back."

"Well, as long as you are recuperating properly then I guess I have nothing more to say," Kanem smiled at her and continued peeling the apple.

Astra watched her and smiled but her eyes turned sharp looking on one side.

Kaname also felt something but before she could react, she was already pushed down by Astra, who should be lying quietly on her bed.

After pushing her down, Astra had them roll to one side of the room, just in time for an explosion to happen to the closest wall where the two of them was just at.