This Is Really Goodbye?

She returned to the ground where the still shocked Takao and Kaname sat beside Kaito's lying body.

"A- Astra?" they called unsurely.

Astra smiled at them, "It is still me. The one you have been with and the one you're facing now is me, one and the same."

She then squat down and placed the little fire on Kaito's chest before it slowly disintegrated.

With a flash, the shapes and numbers on his face have changed into the four shapes alone. And slowly Kaito opened his eyes.

All four of them were completely stupefied to see that both his eyes were now galaxy in color.

His hair turned into a deep blue one as well.


Astra called as she helped him stand up.

Now Kaname and Takao were agape, their two friends were actually among the Superiors?

The fourteen Superiors that was only in the legends.

"I've caused you so much trouble," Kaito said in a self deprecating smile.