Asking For Information

Wang Xue lay there inside his coffin quietly waiting for his chance.

Tak! Tak!

The shovel of the Yi brothers hit his coffin. His coffin was then smashed from the outside resulting for a hole to appear letting light come inside his coffin.

"Agh, this smell reeks. I have robbed many graves but this by far have the worse stench that I had ever come upon." Yi Man grumbled when a foul stench suddenly came out of the hole he had busted open.

While lying on his coffin, Wang Xue burst out of his coffin and threw a fierce punch towards the two brother's stomach, sending them flying upwards and falling down ten meters away from Wang Jia's grave that they had just dug up.

The two brothers were both tough, with all the years of fighting they were quite formidable. Although this was true and their levels were quite high, they were still only at level 7. The two of them were simply not a match for Wang Xue.

Wang Xue got out from his own coffin, his body was filled with an awful stench from the impurities even his clothes that seemed to have been originally white was now black in color. Wang Xue wanted to take in deep breaths and feel the fresh air of the outside world but the smell of his own impurities stop him.

Near where his grave was the Yi brothers who lay on the floor, the two of them were holding their stomachs and was trying to regulate their breathing as they painfully stared at Wang Xue climbing out of his own grave with fear.

His long black hair that draped over his shoulders, his height was normal and his face was neither handsome nor ugly Wang Xue look like an average person no matter how someone looks at him. He raised his head and saw the moon and the starless night above.

"W¬—who are you?"

Yi Man's voice was trembling from the pain he was feeling, it was not only from pain though it also came from the fear that he had when he saw Wang Xue rising up from the grave. From his perspective "Wang Jia" just rose from the dead, but he didn't want to believe such a thing so he asks that question.

Wang Xue started walking towards the two, while he was walking to them he spoke with a grim smile on his face.

"Who am I? The two of you wanted to rob my grave and you don't even know who I am?"

Yi Man and Yi Bai face paled when they heard what he had just said. Did he just say his grave? This is not possible, Wang Jia died 3 months ago and from what the people who knew him said that he didn't even cultivate so how can this man be him?

"I have questions for you guys, I don't want to waste any time because I want to take a quick bath right now so you guys better answer me." Wang Xue was tyrannical when he spoke to them, the attitude of someone who once stood at the top was still with him, even though his strength is not even a speck of what it used to be.

"How long had I been buried in there? And how did I die? Where is this place? Is this graveyard still a part of the Willow State?"

Wang Xue turned to Yi Man and asked him.

"3 months, you were killed 3 months ago. I don't know how you died but this place is not located in the Willow State, but the Flowing Cloud State that neighbors the Willow State, the reason is unknown but Li Xiu your lover chose to bury you here instead of burying you to Willow State which is now no more."

Yi Man told Wang Xue everything that he knew without any hesitation.

"The Willow State was destroyed? What happened? I am sure that there's many group of cultivator in the Willow State not counting the many City in it."

Surprised with the news, Wang Xue became interested in what actually happened.

"There were a group of bandits and rouge cultivator, that continuously harassed the Willow state, and just after half a month the City was destroyed and the nearby towns were all decimated by the bandits, but thankfully the Azure Dragon Academy came to assist before the bandits can cause any more mayhem."

So it was like that. Hehe, that old lady works fast, not only does she kill me to take that little girl's lover but she even decimates the whole Willow State in order to completely cut her every connection that she holds to the outside world!

Wang Xue smiled with a grim and fierce way, he was excited to see who that old woman truly was. A person that didn't care any kind of consequences just to get to her goal deserves his praise, admiration and hate all at the same time.

[I want to kill her but that would just be a waste of my time. I don't hold any kind of connection with any of the people in the Willow State and I certainly don't have any emotions for that little girl.]

Wang Xue didn't care much for anything in this world the only thing that he cares for was his and Fenrir's well advancement.

"Okay, one last thing. Take your clothes off!"

Yi Man and Yi Bai's face paled as they both thought. Does he swing that way?

"W—we already told you what you wanted to know so at least let us keep our clothes for that."

Said Yi Bai.

Wang Xue steps forward and slapped Yi Bai on the face with a powerful strike. His skull was shattered resulting for blood and pieces of his brain to scatter all over the place.

"Keep your clothes then."

Like it was nothing Wang Xue just stared at the bleeding headless body of Yi Ba that lay on the ground. With the name of Bloodbath Monarch he certainly does not have any problems for scenes such as this.

Yi Man felt the aura of death surrounding him and grasping his throat. He was not a brave person, but he was also not dumb. The reason why he responded to Wang Xue's every question was to make sure that he gets to see the next day and his brother just took that away from him by getting this lunatic mad.

"How about you? Will you give me the thing that I ask? Also, give me all the money that the both of you have, I don't want to touch his body so you scavenge everything for me, you're a grave robber so you're much experience than me."

Wang Xue took the money and clothes from Yi Man, he checked the bag of money that was given to him and found 50 silver coins in each bag with a map tied on the side. After Wang Xue kept the bags of money and clothes by tying them in a rope that he found.

"I have given you given you everything that you wanted, please let me go. I won't tell anyone anything that I have seen here so I beg of Sir to spare my measly life."

Yi Man said to Wang Xue and started begging him as he kowtowed to him.

"What is the name of this place?"

Wang Xue demanded.

"The Hill of the Fallen." Yi Man immediately answered then added, "Please spare my life, I can be of use to you like this and until you don't need my assistance I will follow you till the end."

Wang Xue furrowed his brows when he heard the continuous pleading of Yi Man.

"I already told you, that grave will be yours now because you like it so much! Stay there with your dead brother."

Strucking him with his palm, Wang Xue's pleading voice immediately vanished giving peace around the surroundings.

Wang Xue threw the body of both Yi Man and Yi Bair to 'his' grave, he buried the 2 and made sure that no trace of it being touched before leaving the place.

Wang Xue descended from the Hill of the Fallen, it was night and the only light that was lighting his path was the brilliance of the moon that shone from above the sky. There were not many people around the Hill of the Fallen as it was in the middle of the night.

After he reached the bottom of the hill, Wang Xue took out his map and checked his location once more. He was currently at the Hill of the Fallen, and the nearest habited area was the Cloud city which was the place he would be heading now.

"It's about 15 kilometers here to the Cloud city if I was to hurry I will be able to reach it before sunrise."

Wang Xue was pumped up to go to the city, as he was currently itching for a bath to take the stench off his body. He kept the map and didn't waste any more time before going on his way to the Cloud City.

He moved with fast speed, there was a road that leads the way so it was easy for him to know the direction. On his way to the city, Wang Xue crossed an intersecting road that came from other places and also leads to the Cloud City.

And when he entered that intersecting road, Wang Xue saw many people going the same way that he was which was normal here. But the thing that caught his attention was the fact that the group of people that he saw was mostly young people.

He wanted to know what that was about so he tried approaching one of them to ask if there was some occasion that was going on in the Cloud city that he should be aware of. But because of the smell that came from the impurities, everyone intentionally avoiding him.

Wang Xue wanted to just kill everyone there and then from the embarrassment that he just went through. Just from this little smell you back away from me? These young people will have no future if they can't even tolerate a smell like this.

The only thing that he could do was grumble, because he notice that everyone that was going to the city was all over the level 7 of the Spirit realm and there were some even at level 9 of the Spirit realm and seeing that Wang Xue just chose to move faster so he can find a place to stay in faster because from the looks of it the Cloud city will be packed today.

He reached the Cloud city before sunrise and even left the other young people who were with him earlier on his back. He was made to enter the Cloud city rather quickly after paying a silver coin to them, the guards were even trying to shoo him away from them.

Wang Xue knew that it must've been from his smell which made him feel conflicted if he should be happy that he was currently like this or should he be angered. Either way, he was now in the city so he went to find a place to stay in.

He went to many places but all of the places that he went to was either fully booked or he was rejected because of his smell, the sun was about to go up and he still couldn't find a place. Entering the ninth inn that he had visited today, Wang Xue was immediately stopped at the door.

"We can't accommodate you here go find another place."

The voice of an old man spoke up.

"Is this place fully booked?"

Wang Xue had enough of being chased out, so he was determined to book a room here.

"No we have one room left but it's already booked by someone else so we can't let you in at the moment." The old by the reception desk said to him while covering his nose.

Wang Xue steps forward to the reception desk and threw a bag of silver coins there and said.

"I don't care who that person is, but here are 50 silver coins, what room is it, old man?"

The old man by the reception desk was startled by the amount of money that had just been thrown at him and after a short while, he said "It's the room by the end of the hall, you can take a bath in there in your own room so take your time dear customer. I will also take the liberty of taking a new set of clothes to your room."

After taking that money the old man's attitude towards Wang Xue took a 180-degree turn.

Wang Xue left that place in a hurry and went to that was at the end of the hall, upon entering the room he directly went to take a bath which took until the time the sun had already risen up the sky.

Feeling cool and refreshed, Wang Xue went to the bedroom to change to a new set of clothes, he saw the white clothes that he was told and wore it immediately, and as for the clothes that he took from that grave robber he just used it to wrap his stinking clothes.

After changing his clothes he went to his bed to start cultivating, he was unable to rush the Jade Palace realm because of the unknown intervention of that Azure Dragon and Golden Pagoda so he now wants to unravel the reason so he can proceed in his cultivation.

But when he was about to enter meditation he heard a commotion coming from outside the room. He tried ignoring it but he felt something was wrong, the argument was actually coming closer to his room and before he could react, his door was bust open.

"How dare you take my, Wu Hui's, room? I your mother will skin you bastard."

A very angered and feminine voice reverberated in that room, almost making Wang Xue's eardrums burst open like that door.