Trade Fair

"A palace must be replace by a pagoda."

The first line of the primordial text was very direct and very easy to understand. The Jade Palace realm is establish after creating a palace in the Qi Sea. There are many types of Jade Palace's that varies from cultivator's type of spiritual energy, but even with their differences in components a palace was still a palace.

Wang Xue didn't mind it that much though as he continued to read the next line.

"All starts at the foundation, strengthen the foundation and take all the unneeded impurities."

"Lead the 8 lakes to oppose the 12 rivers, meet at sea and create a whirlpool, grind the impure and throw what is not needed. Create a path for the dragon to reside and breach a new realm. Cultivate the Golden Pagoda Skill."

Wang Xue read the final sentence of the primordial texts, he closed his eyes and started digesting everything that he had gain.

He was able to grasp a comprehension earlier so he sat in cross-legged position right above the Dragon Pagoda combo Martial Spirit.

In the physical world, six hours had passed and Wu Hui was nowhere to be found it seems like she had gone outside to enjoy herself in the City.

6 hours after Wang Xue started cultivating, his body started to shake profusely all of a sudden. He had finished comprehending everything, opening his eyes Wang Xu's eyes was brightly lit and his mouth curve to a smile.

"Dragon Dwelling Pagoda."

This words that he uttered was a name and it was the name of that Martial Spirit that dwells inside one of his Spirit Lake. Wang Xue had gotten many good things from the Dragon Dwelling Pagoda this time, not only was he able to get its name but also a strange innate skill from this Martial Spirit.

Skills were classified into 4 categories: Human, Earth, Heaven, and Saint. Wang Xue was the Bloodbath Monarch knew 5 skills in the Saint category, his self-created cultivation skill that he used previously was also at the Saint category.

However, Wang Xue decided not to cultivate any of them. This was because he found something a skill as powerful if not even more powerful skill, the Golden Pagoda Skill.

In his comprehension of the texts Wang Xue was able to get this ancient skill. According to the description that he got, the Golden Pagoda Skill will let him condense his power in one point and he will diverge from the norms of cultivation.

However there was one strict rule if one wish to cultivate this skill, the Great Pagoda Skill must be cultivated from the Jade Palace realm. Instead of creating a palace every time he advance a level in cultivation Wang Xue would have to create a floor for the pagoda.

The Golden Pagoda skill have 99 floors and every floor that he creates he would be able to gain a huge boost in his strength. But even with all this benefits, the most thing that attracted his the most was the skill that will let him create a Spirit Lake every time he finished 9 floors.

Wang Xue had already memorize everything about the Golden Pagoda skill, and with a thought those words started appearing in his mind.

In order to create the Pagoda Wang Xue would need a tremendous amount of spiritual energy, he followed every instructions to the letter reversing the flow of his 8 minor meridians to the Qi Sea to make a whirlpool with the oncoming 12 meridian spiritual energy.

Wang Xue created two separated regions within his body, one had 12 spiritual energy running in clockwise while the other had 8 running in a counterclockwise movement.

Wang Xue entered a deep cultivation state, his focus was all directed to his control of spiritual energy while working at a frightening pace without stopping.

Grinding sounds were constantly emerging from his body for an hour, his forehead had bullets of sweats forming on it. It felt like his body was being molded, if not for his strong will anyone else who experience kind of experience would've stop halfway through.


Wang Xue screamed our from pain, he started vehemently vomiting blood accompanied by that grinding feeling in his body which made him feel like he was being torn apart. The blood that he vomited was black in color, this was rest of the impurities inside his body.

"Discard everything that is not needed by grinding the body." Wang Xue repeated the line in his head, this was the first part of the Golden Pagoda skill.

His will was strong thanks to his countless experience of life and death, Wang Xue continue not long after.

Draw all the power until it reaches the maximum capacity, then create the first floor of the Pagoda.

Thought Wang Xue.

The text from the Golden Pagoda skill was continuously flowing in his mind. His body was in great pain from cultivating.

5 hours later


A clear cracking sound could be heard coming from Wang Xue's body. The whirlpool was still ongoing but a building was starting to be formed on top of it. The spiritual energy in his dantian was maxed out, it directly went to the barrier that separated the Spirit realm and the Jade Palace realm.

The body of a Golden Pagoda started to become more vivid as time went on. The first layer of the Golden Pagoda finally finished forming and the barrier of the Jade Palace realm was finally broken through.

Wang Xue felt his body overflowing with power, the golden colored pagoda in his Qi Sea in magnificent fashion. Although its design was simplistic and not that elaborate it was still eye catching just from the radiance that it held.

Wang Xue started stabilizing the foundation of his cultivation, he was no amateur and knew how important a foundation was to cultivators. After strengthening his foundation Wang Xue finally opened his eyes to see the pagoda that he had created.

"A pagoda replacing a palace, this is a first even for me." Wang Xue let out a joyous laugh.

On the top right corner from where Wang Xue saw an engraving of a dragon. He entered the pagoda where he found his spiritual energy to be all kept.

"The Golden Pagoda skill is truly impressive, it even exceeded my every expectation."

Wang Xue didn't have much to explore in the pagoda so he left after checking it out for a while and came out empty handed when he tried searching for secrets that it might hold.

Opening his eyes Wang Xue found out that it was actually noon, he didn't see Wu Hui but a futon and a bed sheet was laid out on the side of his bed.


With a shout Wang Xue threw a simple punch on the air, booming sounds was created due to friction. Wang Xue's eyes went wide open his punch just now was only casual but it still had 5,000 pounds of force behind it.

Wang Xue was satisfied with the results. He can't practice any kind of cultivation skill now because of the gold pagoda that he built instead of creating a Jade Palace.

Wang Xue heard the sounds of people laughing from outside his window and upon remembering what Wu Hui had told him Wang Xue remembered that tomorrow was the Jade Province competition was being held.

"The Jade Province competition seems like a pretty big deal, for so many people to actually turn up is amazing."

Looking out his window Wang Xue found many people below going around food stalls looking at the items being sold by merchants. The many youths was having fun from what he could see.

Wang Xue look at his attire and sat on the bed like before and started thinking about his future goals. His first goal was to obviously get back his cultivation like before, but Wang Xue had a major problem and that was he didn't have any money to use.

"Cultivating needs many resources, elixirs, pills, earthly treasures and more. I currently have 100 silvers with me so what can I buy with that, or should I make pills for sale?"

Wang Xue played with the bag of money on his hands trying to think of a way to make use of his money, he didn't have much but this should be enough to buy a few stalks of herbs that he could use. He turn his head to the window and with a nod he decided that he would be going to the market outside.

"There's a market outside and I need many things, if I'm lucky I might see some good things."

Going out Wang Xue brought his old clothes to be thrown out, after he threw his smelly clothes he went to the trade fair that was happening in the plaza.

In the plaza where the trade fair was going on, many people crowded the place. Many different kind of items were laid out on the floor by people and was calling out to customers.

The items they were selling range from a simple aged ginseng that can help heal wounds to a blood lotus that can help greatly in cultivation. But Wang Xue had keen eyes and he was able to clearly saw that the items in the trade fair was mostly bogus and full of fake.

There were a mind pearl being sold far from him and it had the price of 1,000 silver. A mind crystal was a high-human category item that can help ease the mind of a cultivator making it easier to enter a meditative state.

But that mind crystal in actuality was an ordinary crystal that had grown much bigger than other pearl from the sea, it doesn't it even counts as a Human category treasure, it may count as a great accessory to be displayed but it won't attract the eyes of cultivators.

The treasures also have rank like the cultivation skills, the categories were Human, Earth, Heaven, and Saint 4 categories but it also held sub ranks such as low, middle, high, and peak. In the Crimson Wind Continent this were the known categories of treasures.

Wang Xue only had 100 silvers with him so he the only that he could buy were low-human category treasures, if he could find a good one he can even then it would be enough for now. Wandering around, he saw things from ordinary weapons to spirit weapons but all the weapons that he saw were trash in his eyes.

After an hour of going around and coming up empty handed Wang Xue was about to go back to the inn, he didn't want to waste any time or money here if nothing catches his eyes. Then as he was about to head back he saw something from the corner of his eyes.

It was a shop near an alley way were not many people were flocking, it must have been because the place looked to be too shabby and the items being sold were all too old to be used. He would've ignored it himself if not for the sword that was with the other scraps of metal and those little throwing knives.

Walking up to the middle-aged man who manned the store Wang Xue picked the sword that was rusting all over, this sword was a junk through and through but Wang Xue was not interested on its appearance but the things inside it

"How much for this old good for nothing scrap of metal?"

Wang Xue said casually.

The middle-aged man moved his gaze to the sword and seeing that Wang Xue was interested on it he said "70 silvers for the sword."

"70 silvers? This place is a goddamn rip-off, give it to me for 30 silvers."

Wang Xue's voice suddenly rose trying to get the attention of the people around him, the price is too high and the item is not good, he was constantly trying to bad mouth the sword that was on his hands.

The middle-aged man panicked, he was already having a hard time trying to sell the junks… items he had there and the kid that he was trying to cheat was messing with him.

The middle-age man was in a pickle so he lowered the price a little "I'll give it to you for 50 silvers, I can't go any lower, that sword still have some sharpness in it and it used to be a spirit weapon so 50 silvers is my bottom line."

Wang Xue was thrown in a deep thought, after a while when the people around that shop was more than enough he said "Alright I'll take it but it should come with this throwing knives, I'll take them for 10 silvers as a sign of friendship."

The middle-age man agreed to it and sold it to Wang Xue without any more argument, he threw him the other 9 throwing knives and said "Take that and leave already."

Spitting on the ground the middle-aged old man acted like a victim, but in his mind he was already celebrating. What a dumb boy, causing that ruckus and still buying junk what an idiot.

Wang Xue went to an alley way to check his haul, he laid them on the floor to be observed.

Picking them up one by one to confirm of he was right, Wang Xue's mouth curve to a smile.

"That middle-age man was an idiot, selling weapons made from ice steel like junk, that man is an idiot."

With that Wang Xue felt more excited to go around this trade fair.