Thousand Gold Pavilion

Wind State is a city that centers in having many shops that serve cultivators and common alike. From normal restaurants that serve great food to auction houses that sell earthly treasures, all of them can be found in the Wind State's Gale City.

In the central plaza of the Gale City, a disciple from the Boulder Sect stood on top of a platform. He stood above everyone else, he carried a scroll with, looking around he checked the people around him was enough so he started opening the scroll to read its content.

"The Jade Province has a scourge in it, you are all aware of what happened in the Jade Province Competition and you all know murderer that killed the geniuses of our Boulder Sect and Nine Flower Valley!"

There were about 500 people or so standing in the central plaza, many of them were listening to the announcement that the Boulder Sect disciple was making while the others were just there to observe what will happen.

However, some of the people had already heard this announcement that the Boulder Sect made a two days ago.

"Hey, did you hear? That no one has yet to see even the shadow of this Wang Xue person?" a man in the crowd said to his companion.

His companion who stood beside him was intrigued about the topic so he said, "Oh, doesn't that mean even the great Boulder Sect, one of the three great sects can't even find the person who killed the genius from their sect? It seems that the Boulder Sect's name does not befit them."

"Hehe, but the one whoever this Wang Xue person is he really is great at hiding. One of the three great sects trying to find him and he still manages to hide away!? Not only that but other cultivators are also out to find him yet no information is still given back to the Boulder Sect."

"Doesn't matter to us, we are just ordinary merchants here, the more problem arises around us can become business opportunity so the only thing that I am so intent about this issue is just how much I will earn in this troubled times."

The two men laughed as they continued to converse, they were merchants of the Gale City so the only that they had in their heads was how to take advantage of this situation and earn them some money.

'Merchants never really change no matter where you go, huh?' Wang Xue was near the two merchants that was talking to each other so he could not help it but overhear what they were saying, wearing his white clothes while wearing a bamboo hat that he found on Demon Bear's storage bracelet.

Wang Xue had reached Gale city a couple of hours ago, when he reached the Gale City he had the intention of going to the biggest place in here and try selling items for spirit pills but when he saw a considerable amount of people gathering in the central plaza Wang Xue could not help but be curious so he went to see what was happening.

However, when he finally learned what was happening in the central plaza Wang Xue was left to laugh on the inside as he watched the disciples talk out of their asses.

"We cannot let this scourge rot out beloved province we of the Boulder Sect will reward anyone who can give us Wang Xue's head 100,000 spirit pills." After saying those words a pile of paper appeared on his palms then threw it up on the sky.

The paper that the Boulder Sect disciple threw was scattered by the wind, Wang Xue reached out his right hand and took a paper that was falling from above, "A 100,000 spirit pills reward, oh, my face is really drawn well here."

It was a wanted poster, luckily Wang Xue's face was being hidden away by the bamboo hat he was wearing if he wasn't there would be many people who will immediately recognize him as his face was accurately drawn in the poster.

The wanted poster that was scattered around did not only possess an accurate drawing of his face but also his information, "Cultivation: level 1 of the Jade Palace realm, Weapon of choice: A sword made of Ice Steel, Martial Spirit: unknown…."

As Wang Xue read through it a grin appeared on his face before keeping that poster in his storage bracelet, walking away from the central plaza Wang Xue many people who had a look of fervor on their faces.

There were many rouge cultivator in that plaza who wasn't affiliated with any Sect or power, without anyone helping them in their cultivation these rouge cultivators can only go procure the resources they needed themselves.

The few people who had not heard of what was happening were all exited out of their wits, a 100,000 thousand bounty on a level 1 Jade Palace realm cultivator? Even those who already heard about it, had their hearts skip a beat.

"Oh my god! I don't exactly know who this brat is and what he did but that 100,000 spirit pills bounty is mine so you guys better give up now!" A middle age man who was level 5 of the Jade Palace realm said and quickly left the central plaza to find Wang Xue.

"What the, get back here! His head is mine!" another one said following the other man's example he also left the central plaza.

The people that gathered in the central plaza was halved all of a sudden, the people who were left were the merchants that Wang Xue had been listening in too and the ordinary people were left there.

Wang Xue wanted to laugh out loud at that moment, the people out to hunt him just brushed past him and they are currently out there trying to find him.

The useless gathering had ended so Wang Xue went back to finding a shop, he walked around the Gale City for a good long while until he reached the entrance of a huge building. The building in front of Wang Xue was big, reading its sign Wang Xue found that this place was called Thousand Gold Pavilion.

Even from far away Wang Xue was able to see the three words "Thousand Gold Pavilion", the people that were attracted was not only him but also the people around him, Wang Xue inwardly nodded as he went in along with the crowd.

The first floor of the Thousand Gold Pavilion was extremely spacious. Alongside the walls on this floor, were displays that were place covered by exquisite looking glass cases. The displays inside the glass cases were spiritual artifacts like spirit weapons while some were pills and even herbs, all of which were all very delicate.

The golden spears and the glittering blades shimmering pendants of varying colors were flickering with light.

Many cultivators in the Thousand Gold Pavilion were gathered around these glass cases that displayed the valuable earthly treasures. Many people were asking the shop's attendants for description as they tried to discern the treasures functions.

The people around pills ask the effects of the medicine while the people who were around the spirit weapons asks for the special attributes that they hold they were asking different topics that is except for the price and category/grade they belonged.

"Mid Human Category Spirit Weapons are the highest spirit weapons that are displayed in this floor."

Wang Xue observed for a while, paying attention to various ongoing conversations around him Wang Xue was able to understand how this place operated.

Thousand Gold Pavilion has three floors and every floor the category of every item sold increased =, the first floor contains only Low Human Category spirit weapons to Mid Human category Spirit Weapons, as for the second floor it contained High Human category spirit weapons up to Peak Human category spirit weapon, for the third floor he wasn't that sure as only a few can only go up there.

Looking around Wang Xue found that the majority of people only stayed on the first floor of the Thousand Gold Pavilion. They wandered around looking around, only a select few chose to ascend the upper floors.

Wang Xue looked at the stairs that led to the upper floors and saw two guards. These two guards inspect the people who wished to enter the upper floors if the person who wished to enter is higher than level 7 the two guards will let him but if not he or she would have to pay a price in order to ascend.

Everyone who ascends to the second floor was either strong enough or they have enough money to waste, with their nose pointed up the sky the people who go up to the upper floors were all very proud of themselves.

Wang Xue was not planning on going up but he was not planning to stay on the first floor to do some shopping either as he was there to sell some stuff that he didn't need. Looking around Wang Xue found a free lady attendant.

Walking up to the female attendant Wang Xue kept the bamboo hat on his head, he got closer to her then asks, "Does the Thousand Gold Pavilion buy spirit weapons?"

"Of course. However, the price of the spirit weapon will not only vary with its category but also the quality that it has." The female attendant explained. The Female attendant seems to be at her mid-twenties her face wasn't that beautiful but she was calm, which made Wang Xue feel quite relax.

Wang Xue didn't waste any time and took out two High-Human Category spirit weapons.

The two spirit weapons were a sword and a spear, shining with resplendent light the attention of the people on the first floor was taken. They all looked at the spirit weapons that Wang Xue had taken out, this was the first time they had seen an actual High Human category spirit weapon.

The High Human category spirit weapons of the Thousand Gold Pavilion can only be found on the second floor of the Thousand Gold Pavilion.

The female attendant was also shocked, seeing the two-spirit weapons being handed to her the female attendant seemed reluctant to touch them she was acting as if she were to touch them it would be tainted.

"What you don't buy any High Human category spirit weapon? If not I would take them away and go to another shop." Seeing how the female attendant was acting Wang Xue tried keeping the spirit weapons back to his storage bracelet when he saw the thin arms reaching out to them.

"Please wait, dear customer, we will be buying them. Let me just take them from you for a minute and we will start appraising the quality that they possess in order to judge how much we will pay you." The female attendant took the two-spirit weapons from Wang Xue and left that place in order to find someone to appraise the weapons without wasting any more time.

The people around Wang Xue who had seen the transaction were all in a trance, they actually witness a level 2 Jade Palace realm cultivator selling a High Human category spirit weapon and from his voice, this man may also be young.

"Is he some kind of young master from a big clan?" One of the people around the first floor said.

"Maybe, but even a young master from a big family will still hesitate to sell a High Human category spirit weapon right?" Another answered back.

Wang Xue stood there unperturbed about what the others were whispering about him, then he heard hurried footsteps coming to him. He turns to look then found the female attendant who was now carrying a storage bracelet with her.

"The appraisal's done and grandmaster Shi was able to confirm its quality and category." The female attendant passed Wang Xue the storage bracelet before continuing "The sword type spirit weapon went for 17,000 spirit pills and the spear type spirit weapon for 20,000 spirit pills, our Pavilion had already taken tax from each weapon so the total earning of the dear customer is 37,000 spirit pills."

Wang Xue checked the storage bracelet and confirmed the amount inside it. Wang Xue kept the spirit pills then took out a piece of white paper, passing it to the female attendant he said, "Do you sell this kind of artifact here?"