
A cat's voice was heard, it was a strange as it didn't quite fit with the fierce fight that was happening at the moment but no one dwelled on that fact because Wang Xue who was supposed to die with that last attack was somehow able to dodge, block, parry, and even catch their all-out assault, and now after he was pressured to the utmost limit a Golden Glow illuminated everything.

"What is this!?" someone from the group was startled by the light coming from Wang Xue, light was coming out of his body and the spirit energy around Wang Xue started gathering to his dantian and after seeing and experiencing how weird Wang Xue's attacks were that man didn't waste anything and immediately jumped backwards in fear of Wang Xue suddenly releasing a suicidal attack.

"Get back, he's doing something!" a man warned the others.

Many feel back but someone refused to move, it was the man who manages to stab Wang Xue at his left arm, "Are you all stupid!? He's at his last breath and you're all trying to run away?" grabbing his sword he pulled it out of Wang Xue and made a full swing at Wang Xue's neck to deal the final blow.


His sword swam in the air as it released a bright color, his spirit energy was focus at the edge of his sword and made the swing to kill Wang Xue but before it could land on Wang Xue's neck another sword blocked it.


"You should have just listened to them." Wang Xue opened his eyes and his body suddenly stop glowing with that golden light but this only made Wang Xue's image to everybody around him fear him because what replaces that golden light was a cold a dark energy that wraps around his whole body.

The cultivator who made that swing immediately backed off as he looks in horror at Wang Xue whose whole body was emanating that strong pressure that seemed stronger than before they started this whole fight his lips trembled while saying, "Get out… get out of my way, that devil will kill me!!!"

It was another strange sight as that man who wanted to kill Wang Xue then and there suddenly turn around and started running with all his might, 'That is not a man… those eyes contain a monster, that's not even a monster but a weapon.' He was freaking out as his back started getting drenched in cold sweat.

He also saw what that disciple from the Boulder Sect had seen, a beast but now it wasn't hiding in a curtain of black but had revealed itself and was ready to bore its fangs onto everything that it sees as prey.

Wang Xue looked at his left arm and saw the inflicted to him had stopped bleeding and a black colored frost also started spreading over his right arm. His eyes then wandered to Fenrir who was inside his sword and said, "Let's end this already."

His words were arrogant but it carried weight and that blue sword of his also seem to be emitting a strange aura just like him. Wang Xue lowered his body and positioned his sword at the side of his body looking forward with his eyes with the fierceness of a wolf Wang Xue pounce at the cultivator who wanted to kill him.


The wind parted and Wang Xue's hair fluttered in the same with his clothes, the cold wind touch upon his skin but even so his body was not affected in the least Wang Xue positioned his sword in front of him and maneuvered in between people, his movements was that of a snake but his bloodlust was that of a dragon.

Wang Xue drew strength from his Golden Pagoda and inside his Qi Sea Wang Xue started releasing a beautiful golden light, he drew spirit energy from his Golden Pagoda all first three layers was pure golden in color but the fourth had was lined with purple and black ice.

The spirit energy from his Golden Pagoda was drawn out of his body and the frost that appeared on his arms started to crawl to his sword, Wang Xue reached that person and immediately arched his body to make a powerful swing.


His eyes gleamed with a cold glint and his sword shone with a beautiful purple hue, the already cold air started to become even more freezing and the whiteness of the snow was replace by a blackish counterpart and when Wang Xue made the killing strike the blood of that man was flew in air then immediately turning them to droplets of ice.

Tic! Tic! Tic!

Bead-like droplets of blood were created and the cold body of that person drop on the floor, his blood was frozen the moment his sword touched.

Wang Xue looked at his sword and started talking to himself, "This ice is not the same from Fenrir." Wang Xue was clearly aware of this ice and where it came from but even so, seeing it like this made him think just how did the Dragon Dwelling Pagoda do in order to integrate the Dark Demonic Ice's frost into his own spirit energy.

As he was pondering over the strangeness of this weird spirit energy that he somehow got Wang Xue remembered the archaic voice that he heard earlier, and seeing the prize that he got was something like made Wang Xue satisfied and he even felt satisfied that the thing that he got from enduring all those beatings were for this particular spirit energy.

Wang Xue's mouth curve into a smile after seeing the Ice that was created with that simple slash of his and even Fenrir who was inside his Ice Steel Sword was trembling once again.

Pointing his sword at his opponents' noses Wang Xue said, "Thank you for everything… now goodbye." He was calm and he didn't mince any words, following his words Wang Xue once again started moving he dashed forward and grabbed one of the men in the face with his bare hands before throwing him to the others.

Wang Xue moved like a ghost but he had yet to kill anyone on the ground, jumping high up the air Wang Xue targeted the archers who had marked him, although he wanted to kill the guy who was able to shot an arrow to his abdomen Wang Xue compromised by slaughtering everyone hiding in the shadows.

'Wait, I didn't join them in the attack… wait, argh…" someone saw Wang Xue running for him and immediately got down on the ground to show that he was harmless but Wang Xue didn't care as he had already decided that every human in his place was his enemy.

"This is the fee for the show." Saying that Wang Xue took him by the feet and started cutting off his legs and arms, he threw him in the air and kick towards another archer who was trying to escape but when that flying man hit him in the back a sword was followed as it runs through his body.

Wang Xue stabs them in the abdomen and followed it by releasing the freezing coldness from his fourth layer Golden Pagoda. After killing those two Wang Xue did not stop as he immediately went towards the direction of another person who was up in the tree and quickly made a quick kill by taking his head of his shoulders.

As the bodies fell the people down below couldn't take their eyes off what was happening as they watch on at the slaughter, every slash made by Wang Xue there would be a head or a limb flying or other body parts flying then those body parts will start freezing starting from the blood.

"What the hell is this hell? I had seen geniuses and I have seen many madmen in my life but this guy is the worst of them all… I need to get out of here."

Everyone was in a panic state of mind after seeing Wang Xue commit the slaughter in front of them and it didn't take long before they learned how wrong their decisions were when they tried to kill Wang Xue for that reward, but it was too late because the moment that someone tried to step out a flying head flew over their direction followed by a chilling wind.

They stop on their tracks and felt the temperature suddenly rise all of a sudden.

"I told you guys this is goodbye." Wang Xue's voice echoed, his sword was raised above his head and his spirit energy was gathering at the single point of his blade, "Second Stance, Mountain Cleaver."


Wang Xue slowly fell from above and his body covered with frost, his breathing was ragged and his body was riddled with injuries but the scene under his feet was much worst.

"Well, this is my thanks to you guys." Saying that Wang Xue started walking out of that place leaving behind the many ice sculptures and ice spikes that he created.

It was a massacre.