Brother of the Emperor part 1

Wang Xue looked at Fenrir and released a sigh. He remembered their first encounter and confirmed that Fenrir did say something about not having any memories of the past, that's also the reason why he didn't get any kind of Skill from Fenrir even after reaching Spirit Manifestation and in the end, he had to create their own skill.

Fenrir sighed and said to Wang Xue, "I—only—know—what—you—know—we—are—brothers—so—stop—bitching—and—just—go—find—the—snake—underground—I—don't—know—why—but—this—energy—is—familiar."

Solstice raised her head and looked at Wang Xue then to Fenrir. She didn't know what was happening but it would seem that the Emperor had some kind of fight with his vessel. She wanted to ask what was wrong but Wang Xue spoke first.

"Hey, cat… Solstice what happened next after your race made a contract and what's this contract and what happened to Fenrir… Emperor after that." Wang Xue, as usual, started bombarding Solstice with questions.

Solstice wanted to argue with Wang Xue about how she was being treated but with Fenrir present, she had to answer first to avoid shaming her race.

"I only got my memories from my bloodline inheritance and since I am only two hundred years of age I do not know much about the specifics but after my race formed a contract we were bounded for all eternity to always follow the Emperor if he ever appears before us. After that I do not know, my heritage is still hidden and I will need time or improve my cultivation to awaken my memories."

Solstice was felt that she was useless so she felt sad that he wasn't able to give Fenrir any more information that they wanted, but then she remembered something that was at the very back of her mind, it was single praise from the very first memory she inherited.

"Your Highness, I do not know what this means but I have one memory that I cannot make sense of, this only but a phrase that had been pass from generation until it was etched in our blood and soul." Solstice had a rare serious face on her cute face.

"Go—one," Fenrir said back in haste.

Solstice raised her head and started speaking with dignity as if this what she was about to say was something that she values more than anything she had said before.

"The realm of the living and the spirit will be connected once again, one human will rule everyone and command everything including faith."

Solstice stopped talking and looked at Fenrir, "That is all your highness."

Fenrir started thinking but nothing was appearing inside his head and he couldn't make out head or tails of what's Solstice trying to say. Wang Xue on the side was the same as him, he is someone that has knowledge more diverse than the great sage of the Black Turquoise Empire.

Wang Xue and Fenrir basically have the same temperament as they had the same mental age the two of them only had their horizons broaden after meeting each other after all. And so they chose what they do when something is too bothersome to even think about and that was to leave when the time will the right.

Wang Xue stood up from those corpses and talked to Fenrir.

'Can you do something about how he calls you? Because if you can't I may not be able to stop myself from killing this cat, also make her stop looking at me like some kind of trash because if she doesn't I will take it out on you.' Wang Xue gave Fenrir a warning.

'Why—are—you—taking—it—out—on—me?' Fenrir demanded an answer.

'That little cat think I'm your servant or vessel or something like that a being treated like that pisses me off, if you don't clear this of I will use the Dark Demonic Ice right now and create the next floor, I was planning on that already and if not for the promise I made with you I would have used it already.'

'Fine—but—don't—get—your—hopes—up.' Fenrir somehow felt like he was being threatened by Wang Xue just now.

"Solstice—can—you—stop—acting—like—what—you—do—with—Xue—that—guy—holds—grudges—and—he's—considered—my—only—family—so—stop—that." Fenrir sounded as monotonous like before but from his words alone Solstice can feel some kind of deep emotions.

"Yes, your highness."

"Also—do—not—call—me—that—anymore—I—don't—like—it—those—words—makes—me—remember—some—unpleasant—memories—of—our—past—just—call—me—Fenrir—that's—the—name—he—gave—me—after—all." After saying that Fenrir's head turn and look at Wang Xue.

Solstice looked at Wang Xue and started thinking if he was actually someone who possesses good attributes other than killing people and considering how he is treated by her Emperor as a brother and how the Fenrir was given to him by that human Solstice was starting to look at Wang Xue from a different perspective.

"Yes Master Fenrir for your… brother I will try to look at him as your equal but I am still unable to call him master as he has yet to show his actual worth."

Fenrir wanted for Solstice to stop calling him with honorifics if possible but this step was an improvement on Fenrir's book and Wang Xue should have nothing to complain about if this is the case. Fenrir wanted to jump on Wang Xue's shoulder when he remembered that Solstice was riding there so he chose to go higher and lie on top of his head.


Wang Xue stood up and Solstice went to Wang Xue's shoulder to make the guiding process easier.

Before going Wang Xue turn and use his ice to seal the way to make sure that no one will come here and bother him from finding the serpent.

"Go straight and turn right."

"Got it."