Chapter 4 The Turning

Jason walk's through the snow with Samantha it's been a few months now of just moving trying to find someone or a house that is safe Samantha has also been getting really close with Jason she would start slightly flirt with him which he would flirt back and make her blush. as they walk side by side Samantha wears a white snow jacket and snow boot's on Jason's boot's crunch the snow underneath him. As they move two figure's dart from the bush a young teen maybe 15 or so and a young girl maybe 10 the older one speaks.

"Hey hey don't shoot we just want to get past" the young girl hide's behind the older one Samantha step's forward "it's okay we won't hurt you I'm. Samantha and this is Jason" the two girls start to relax a bit more "I'm Hannah and this is my sister Mia" as they say this two people come out must be there parents.

The father speaks "girl's what did we say about running off" the mother keeps her eye's on Jason and Samantha the father turn's to Jason "I'm. John and this is my wife Kate I guess you met my daughter's look we don't want trouble you guy's look tired why don't you come back to our camp" Kate look's at John angrily Jason look's at Samantha and nods he turn's back to the family "okay."

Jason and Samantha are lead into the wood's where a camp is set up a person onto of a truck stand's with a sniper rifle in hand wave's at them they enter the. Camp and four other people are in the camp a women in military clothes two Guy's working on a broken radio And a red crow member who is sleeping in a chair.

The guy who is on the truck jump's off and he wears army uniform as well "hey John who these people" John introduces everyone the two soldiers are Edward and Molly the two guy's are Max and Billy and the red crow member. Is Chloe Jason look's at the red crow member "would that be Chloe Miller?" John nods Samantha look's at Jason "what do you know her" Jason nods "yea she's my twin sister."

Molly chokes on her drink "Chloe never said anything about a twin brother" Chloe sits up and she stand's there "Ja...Jason?" she run's up to. Jason and hugs him "oh my god I thought I lost you when the base got overrun" everyone died and" "Chloe can you let go I can't breath" Chloe pulls away from the hug and Jason take's a deep breath.

Chloe turn's to Samantha "and you are?" Samantha "I'm Jason's girlfriend...I mean I'm his friend" Chloe smile's "wow Jason you know how to pick em come on I'll show you two a spare tent." Jason and Samantha are showing to a big two person tent Chloe turn's to Jason "I'll talk to you later Jason."

Chloe walk's off Samantha goes in and Jason follows Samantha she sits down Jason does the same "so you have a twin sister" Jason smile's. "Yep I haven't seen her in a long time she was my scouting partner she was good with anything that had a circuit board in it and I was good with weapon's."

Samantha bites her lip "huh so I have some competition now" Jason tilt's his head "competition for what" Samantha's cheeks redden "I'm gonna have a walk she leave's the tent" Jason smile's. He leave's as well Jason see's Samantha by tree he move's closer she is taking to herself "just tell him how you feel you're a big girl Samantha just go up to him god it's looks so much easier in the movie's."

Jason take's a deep breath and walk's up to Samantha "okay I'm gonna tell him that I love him" as she walk's past the tree she smack's right into Jason he slips on the snow and Samantha fall's on to of him. "Oh um Jason hi" Jason place's a hand on her hip and back kisses her releases from the kiss and Samantha look's Jason in the eye's "I've never been kissed before so that's what It feel's like."

Samantha gets up and Jason does the same he see's Samantha is trying to hide her red cheeks under her jacket "you know that make's you more adorable" Samantha look's at the ground. "Do you really want to be with me?" Jason walk's up to her and look's at into her eye's "I do want to be with you" Samantha hugs him tightly "I love Jason" Jason smile's "I love you Samantha" he kisses her one more time before Chloe call's out.

"Hey do you guy's like fish" everyone sits down by the camp laughing and eating fish as they keep eating three undead walk into camp everyone stand's Jason gets his M16 more and more keep coming. Samantha is behind Jason as everyone runs Jason and Samantha run down the hill through the tree's a undead grabs Jason and throws him into a tree.

Samantha stand's in front of the zombie she stumble over and the zombie launches onto her biting down on her neck Jason gets up and pulls him off. He slam's the zombie into the ground and stomps it's head in he finishes and he hears Samantha groan in pain.

She is going pale and black line's are appearing around the flesh missing from the bite wound wound Jason run's over to her and hold's her in his arm's she cough's up blood "J...Jason." A tear goes down her face. Jason take's off his glove and pulls out his knife "there is only one way to save you or kill you" Samantha gives a weak nod.

Jason cut's his hand and puts squeezes blood drips from Jason's hand to Samantha's mouth Samantha starts to have laboured breath and then she stop's breathing altogether. Jason hold's her close to him then her eye's open and she cough's out blood.

"I'm alive" Jason hold's her even more closer "oh my god don't ever do that again Samantha you nearly gave me a heart attack" she giggles and she. Kisses him the taste of blood is overwhelming but he doesn't release from the kiss they stand up when the sound of the undead are heard.

Jason pulls up his M16 at the undead and fire's as he take's them out Hannah and Mia appear with Chloe beside them they are covered in blood. Jason look's around "where are the other's" Chloe shakes her head Jason sigh's "we should better start moving now" Chloe see's Samantha's neck and mouth is covered in blood.

Chloe goes beside Jason and whispers to Jason "did you turn Samantha you know how dangerous that is right!?" Jason turn's to Chloe "not now" Jason sling's his M16 around his shoulder and move's up to the front of everyone.