Chapter 7 The Cure

Jason limps down the corridors with Barry who is now freed from the virus his brown hair is long and messy he has a beard and his hazel eye's look at Jason's leg. Samantha bandaged it very well but Jason knows it's bad he leans against a wall Samantha grabs Jason's arm everything becomes blurry and then silence.

Jason wakes up with the sun hitting his eye's he opens them to see he is laying in a military bed his leg is burning with pain every time he move's it he see's Samantha sit up from her chair beside him. "Hey you're awake" Jason's dead is pounding "how long have I been out a few hour's blood lose you know for a super human you do pass out a lot."

Jason smile's he look's at his leg a fresh bandage is wrapped around the wound "the knife just cut through muscle and flesh nothing else but because of how deep it went blood just keep coming out." Jason sighs he then notices three syringes in Samantha's hand that a have blood in them "um Samantha is that my blood?" Samantha starts scratch her hair.

"I might of taken some of you're blood Thomas's idea he said I will be going to a CDC building just out of town see if anyone's there we found out you have the cure." Jason stand's up his pain goes up his leg the sensation feel's like a hot iron rod going up his leg.

"What are you doing?" Samantha sits him back down "I'm going Samantha" she raises and eyebrow "yea well you're leg say's otherwise just keep pressure off that leg until I get back. Don't worry okay Chloe will have my back" Samantha kisses Jason on the cheek "I'll see you soon and maybe we can act like normal teenager's for once."

Samantha leave's the tent she has the syringes clenched in her hand Chloe stand's by the gate with three other's "how's Jason holding up?" "he'll be fine Chloe he just need's some rest." Chloe and Samantha walk out the metal gate's and move through town "I hope this cure work's maybe I can go back home and rebuild."

Samantha smile's "I just want to have a shower oh my god a shower would be heaven by now." Chloe chuckles "well we can ask the CDC people if they have working shower's." Samantha then step's close to Chloe "hey can I ask you something about Jason" Chloe bites her lip "okay go ahead" "did he have an relationship's before me."

Chloe put's her index finger to her chin and look's to the sky "well there was Amelia she was completely a beauty and loved him they dated for a very very long time but. Well she...ahem died when the virus struck Jason he changed didn't eat sleep or even talk to anyone for week's he lost a very special person in his life but before even more dark stuff I talk about how about you?."

Samantha rubs her neck "well I haven't actually dated anyone it still feel's weird to even say boyfriend I really didn't think I would go out with a super hot guy." Chloe roll's her eye's "girl you're so in love I can tell and I know Jason care's for you and you're both a good couple."

Samantha smile's she see's a great big building up ahead with the word's centers for disease control on a sigh or CDC "well let's do this by the way if no one is in there Nick here is a scientist."

Jason wakes up from a weird dream undead stood around him just staring Jason tried to get out of the crowd of undead but he kept getting killed by a masked figure. Jason hears gunfire outside he stand's up and nearly fall's to his knee's he limps out of the military tent.

Hannah bump's into him with Mia by her side they hide behind Jason he follows their gaze to a hooded figure she has Barry's head in the their hand he's eye's a rolled back and drips from the stump. Jason pulls out his pistol the figure grabs their mask it's the same mask that Barry used and pulls it off to reveal a beautiful women.

"Hi babe long time no see" It's Amelia she has black line's all across her face her skin is pale and her long black hair has blood in it she holds a long curved knife in her hand. "Don't move Amelia or I will put you down" Amelia laughs like how you did two year's ago left me for dead and now you're with another girl I'm going to enjoy cutting her.

Jason pulls back the hammer "you even go near Samantha and will rip you in half" Amelia has a feral look in her eye's they are blood shot and the Iris is just black orb's. "I can smell her on but don't worry I'm gonna make sure you never see her again."

She throws the curved blade at Jason he shoot's it and Amelia is gone she has Samantha's scent and will kill her Jason will have to get to her first. Thomas's run's around the corner he has blood all over him "it's fucking Amelia I thought we killed her" Jason nods "I'm going after her she's after Samantha and the other's stay here and keep everyone safe."

Jason limps to his tent and grabs his M16 and move's through the camp to the gate's a few corpses litter pathway's Amelia became a monster when she turned and is now insane. Jason had a choice to kill her or spare her and let her run wild so he killed her I was her last wish before she turned anyway.

Jason knew she died she got riddled with bullet's and he witnessed her take her last breath how did she survive the wound's maybe she might have the same ability. As Jason to regenerate when dead Jason feel's blood trickle down his leg he need's blood so his body can heal quickly.

Samantha stand's in the lobby of the CDC three scientists stand in front of them two are men and the other is a women "okay look we have the cure right here we can end this nightmare just please you've trusted us this far." The women scientist nods Samantha sigh's "thank you" they are lead down the hallway's to a giant science lab large science lab tech sits next to each other.

The three scientists start to work Samantha can't help but smile one of the scientists smile's "I've...I've found cure this can be made airborne and put in the water and humans and undead this could sa...."

The man fall's back as a large knife is in his chest the other two scientists are cut down by a dark figure she speaks in a sweet voice "oops I guess no cure is coming now time for the main show." Chloe and the other's are smashed into walls knocking them out Samantha feel's a sharp pain in her stomach a knife stick's out from the wound.

Samantha run's through the hallway's her heart pounds in her chest her hand's are covered in blood she feel's her leg's start to give in she gets to the lobby. She see's the figure there Samantha tries to reach for her gun but another knife is thrown and this time it impales her hand.

Samantha screams out in pain "don't worry darling everything will be quick and painful" as the figure move's closer to Samantha gun shot's ring out. The figure is running away holding her arm Samantha feel's warm arm's hold her she hears Jason's voice "you're okay I'm here."