Chapter 2 Party Crasher

Grace is dressed up detective she has a black fedora wearing a white shirt and black pants with straps and a brown trench coat she hums to her self as her sister walks in "I look stupid."

Grace gasps looking at her sister she looks very beautiful she wears a long sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up a loose tie hangs around her neck and wears some black pants she has a black jacket in her hands but the thing that makes her amazing is she is wearing makeup.

"You look amazing sis you should wear makeup more" Anna smiles slightly "thanks but I don't feel comfortable" Grace stands up she does her best private eye voice "don't worry doll I'll keep you safe."

Anna giggles "you better or your not getting paid" they both laugh Grace and Anna are dressed up as there favourite characters off their favourite TV show Chuck the private eye Grace is Jack and Anna is playing Doll a shy girl who is his partner.

Grace and Anna walk down stairs they see their dad on the phone "yep okay I'll be down soon" there mom see's them and gasps "wow look at my girls you two look pretty have fun don't get drunk please."

They say goodbye and leave they go down the street a bunch of kids with their parents visiting peoples homes enjoying Halloween they walk to a house where a bunch teens are partying Anna looks nervous.

"Hey don't worry you'll be fine I think Matthew is there" Anna has a slight smile "you think so?" she nods Anna blushes "oh my god you like Matthew" Anna panics "what no...he's not my type" Grace stops looking at her sister.

"Anna he likes you and you like him you should try to ask him out" Anna gets extremely shy "I don't know if I ask him out and I've been reading the wrong signals" Grace puts up her hands "hey breath he's interested in you trust me he likes you."

They walk to the party Grace feels her sister clutch her arm "hey you'll be fine" Anna takes a deep breath but Grace notices a lot of guys looking at Anna with lusty looks.

Grace grabs her sisters arm "hey you stay with me I'm not having these guys near you" they find Blake who is an 80s zombie and is with a few of his friends Blake sees the sisters "hey great you two got here."

They sit out on the back with Bonnie and Andrew who dressed up like Bonnie and Clyde which is a bit on the nose for Bonnie Grace is talking with Blake while Anna is alone when Matthew walks over he's dressed in a doctor's uniform.

"Hey nice suit Anna" she smiles trying not to blush "oh thanks um...nice doctor uniform" Bonnie and Andrew look at eachother and leave in the awkward silence "ah want a drink" Anna nods he goes over and gets some drinks Anna groans in embarrassment "nice Anna your such a charming person."

Matthew comes over with two beers "here you go" she grabs the cold beer Matthew sits next to her Anna gets extremely shy Matthew smiles moving his glasses closer to his face "hey you okay" Anna groans "okay I have crush on you ever since we meet okay your kind I like how funny you are okay your smile is adorable."

Matthew is lost with words "ah oh um okay I don't know what to say" Anna puts her head in her hands "oh I'm an idiot I didn't mean to blurt that out"

Matthew smiles "huh well I should confess I do have a crush on you I think your amazing you've always been there for me" Anna sits closer to him she put her head on his shoulder.

Grace sees this and smiles Blake stands next to her "she seems in a nice mood" the two start chatting and giggling but as he says that.

A girls scream is heard Grace goes inside with Anna at her side a guy is on the ground and is not breathing Anna steps in "everyone out the way" a girl holds the guys hand she is sobbing "what happened" the girl wipes tears away with her free hand "I don't know he was fine all day and when he took that drink he passed out."

The girl points over at a punch bowl Anna starts doing chest compressions but nothing happens but then she notices his foot twitches and then in the matter of seconds the guy is up but black lines are everywhere on him he grabs the girl holding his hand and bites down on her throat blood goes everywhere.

Anna gets up the girls screams die down she is grabbed by her sister and pulled away and around them more and more people are turning into zombies they get outside with Blake his sister Bonnie and Andrew with Matthew being the last one out a bunch of other people run out with the undead following behind.

The group tries to run but Anna is grabbed by one she falls to the ground the zombie is onto of her Grace tries to get to her Anna has her arm under the zombies throat at it tries to bite her next she hears see's the cold dead eyes look into hers.

The zombie overpowers her and as it is about to bite down a bullet rips into its head sending it backwards Anna is covered in blood and brains.

She stands up she starting to hyperventilate Grace runs over pulling her back and calming her down gun shots ring out and Grace turns to see her Dad and a few guards with guns shooting down a bunch of undead the group goes over to a safe area where they stand behind a few guards.

A few moments later the gun fire stops bodies litter the ground Anna sits on the side walk while everyone is getting checked for infection Anna see's her dad walk over he's in fully black clothes with a vest and has a rifle on his back she stands up and runs over to him hugging him tightly she sobs uncontrollable Grace goes over and does the same Jason is holding them both his Dad mode activates instantly calming them down.

He gets them to calm down "hey come on we'll get back home" he turns two the group that was with them "thanks for keeping them safe" he walks his daughters back home.

As they get in their mother instantly grabs both of them and holds them close for a few minutes "Jason notices Anna is covered in blood he checks if she has any bite marks.

Jason doesn't find any "you should take a shower Anna" she nods and goes slowly up stairs Grace goes up to her room and sits on her bed she sighs deeply her adrenaline is gone and she feels exhausted she lays down and falls asleep.