Chapter 7

The sound of the door hitting the door hit the door, and the sound of the night rang, Lin Xin's heart was not good, but he could not stop. After hearing the footsteps of their far away, she was unwilling to go to the entrance of the canteen, shook the door and saw the lock before she died.

At this time, Zhao Qiang ate the rice ball in his hand and walked behind Lin Xin, stupid and naively asked: "What are you worried about?"

Apparently he did not notice that Lin Xin had just shaken the door. Lin Xin gave him a look and said coldly: "Eat, you know that you can eat! We are locked in the house, and tomorrow is just catching up."

Zhao Qiang felt the seriousness of the problem at this time. He ate the rice ball in his hand three times, rubbed his hand on the clothes twice, and asked him, "What should I do?"

"What can I do?" Lin Xin asked. "You can only wait for tomorrow to catch us."

Zhao Qiang photographed the thigh: "I knew that I wouldn't take the rice ball." He shook his head and walked around in the cafeteria. After he passed it, he said: "If you are caught, you will be caught. If you are too big, write another day or two. Review book."

Anyway, that's it, what can you do?

Lin Xin looked at the innocent Zhao Qiang. I really didn't want to tell him the truth, but now they are on the same boat. If they don't tell him, they will only let him drag their legs.

Lin Xin asked: "Do you think it is so simple?"

"What is simple?" Zhao Qiang asked, he really couldn't understand the meaning of Lin Xin's words.

Lin Xin went on to say: "We saw the things of the dean and Lin Xinyu. He locked us in the house. Do you think it would be a few review books?"

Zhao Qiang still heard a little bit of understanding: "What happened to the Dean and Lin Xinyu? Then what does he want to do with us?"

It's just playing on the cow! ! How can there be such dull people in the world? Talking to him is insulting IQ. The Dean's attitude towards Lin Xinyu, where there is ordinary concern, is clearly...

So obvious, he can't see it, his head is made of wood?

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed, Lin Xin slammed the top. If she saw it, she couldn't see anything and it would be fine.

Lin Xin blinked and ran back to the front of the stove, Zhao Qiang, watching him look like a silly meal, actually felt a little cute. Tomorrow, I learned that Zhao Qiang's appearance was stupid. When the dean asked him, he said that he and Lin Xinyu had entered the cafeteria. As for the rest, nothing else happened.

Lin Xin thought of the solution, and she took a sigh of relief and a stone in her heart fell.

At this time, Zhao Qiang, who had a face full of rice in front of the stove, turned around and rushed Lin Xindao: "Come on, eat, eat and not be punished, do not eat white or not."

Lin Xin thought of the things the dean did, and there was a thing stuck in his heart, and he didn't want to eat. She threw the rice ball on her hand back into the pot and found a stool to sleep on the table.

Zhao Qiang finished the meal in the pot, touched his belly with satisfaction, learned Lin Xin's sample, sat across from her, and slept on the table to sleep. After that, he raised his head and asked Lin Xin: "Have you slept yet?"

Lin Xin was too lazy to care for him. When she didn't hear it, she fell asleep.

Zhao Qiang was quite full. He walked around the table in the cafeteria for several laps before he sat down. He wants to shout Lin Xin again, and she is afraid that she will be angry and boring her eyes on the table.

After a while, Lin Xin heard Zhao Qiang's steady breathing. She opened her eyes and looked at Zhao Qiang, who was sleeping across the street, and could not help but envy.

Moonlight, the wooden window fell on the concrete floor, the back of the house was faintly visible, Lin Xin looked at the moonlight like water, and his mind was full of thoughts.

This night, Lin Xin didn't sleep very well. At the moment when the cafeteria aunt opened the door, she woke up.

Auntie in the cafeteria is a very aunt in his early fifties. He is tall and powerful, and he is very big. She saw two people sleeping in the dining hall. She was surprised and said: "How are you here?!"

At this time, the sky was just shining, everything was awakened, and the people in the orphanage were still asleep. Her stunned everyone, and soon the children in the orphanage gathered at the entrance to the cafeteria.

Zhao Qiang was still half-sleeping, Lin Xin was completely awake, and she looked at the onlookers and the imposing aunt, scorned the table and stood up: "Good morning."

Aunt didn't think that a child would be so calm. When she couldn't find her words, she could only swear and ask: "When are you coming in?"

At this time, the dean heard the sound coming. He saw the two children in the house. The big one was the one who often caused trouble. The small ordinary was inconspicuous. Is there such a person in the orphanage? He pushed the black-rimmed glasses and asked gently: "Is it sneaked in last night?"

Lin Xin looked up and just calmed down, nodded awkwardly, and then poked his hand to poke the incense Zhao Qian.

Zhao Qiang felt a little itchy in his sleep. He squinted and looked around, his eyes fixed on the gentle face of the dean. After the meeting, he suddenly jumped up and stuttered: "President, Dean, you are here."

The dean smiled and asked: "How come in?"

Zhao Qiang honestly said: "Use, lock with wire."

"I came here last night, why didn't you see you, are you hiding there?" When he said this, his eyes swept to Lin Xin, and a faint cold light fell on Lin Xin.

Lin Xin hit a spirit and looked directly at the dean: "Tibetan..."

"Hidden behind the cabinet." Zhao Qiang interrupted her words first, pointing to the cabinet behind the stove: "That."

"Hey? Why didn't I see it last night?" asked the dean without revealing the traces.

Zhao Qiang continued: "Yesterday, Lin Xinyu blocked you, you didn't see it." His eyes drifted to the door, where Lin Xinyu stood, and the two eyes were wrong. Zhao Qiang's eyes glanced at him, and his envy revealed. .

Lin Xinyu walked down to the length of the dean, raised his head and looked at Lin Xin, and then bowed his head, as if this was his fault.

Lin Xin felt a distressed, and then looked at the dean of the beast, and he hated to bite his teeth. He was an adult. She was not yet an adult. She saw the situation in the orphanage and the dean was covering the sky. Now there is no way to rectify him.

Lin Xin pretends to be wronged: "President, you come to Lin Xinyu to find food, why can't we?"

The dean pushed his glasses again and smiled and asked: "Is it not enough?"

Lin Xin said a lot of things, simply saying: "Yes, yes."

Dean said: "That night I asked Qian Aunt to give you some weight. Just..." He paused: "You have no food today, and you have turned the backyard."

Lin Xin sighed at the same time and felt that the punishment of the dean was really heavy. Are the children with long body able to stand up to hungry? Still have to do farm work? Isn't this a life?

The dean let the crowds disperse and gave Lin Xin and Zhao Qiang two iron shovel. Two and a half children were carrying the shovel to the back hill.

The small hills are carved into fertile fields, planted with seasonal vegetables and a little flower seedlings. Lin Xin also thought that Zhao Qiang would not do anything. As a result, he picked up the iron shovel and began to turn over the ground. He was skilled and proficient, as if he had done it thousands of times.

Lin Xin saw his hard work, and he was too embarrassed to be lazy. He didn't eat in the morning. His body was already poor. When he did it, Lin Xin felt dizzy. She sat on the mud and gasped. Zhao Qiang saw her so incomprehensible and ridiculed: "I can still do more for you." At the same time, he laughed and did not forget to turn the ground.

Lin Xin asked: "Are you always punished?"

Zhao Qiang replied: "Turn off your ass."

Lin Xin no longer asks more. He wants to come to him before he made a mistake. The dean is so fined for him. No wonder so much about the dean. She took a rest for a while, and then began to turn over the ground, intermittently, and over the past two people have turned over half of them.

The sun is shining, the sun is empty, Lin Xin is really not moving, looking for a tree to sit down, gasping, if there is a point of water or a bun.

Lin Xin is drawing a cake in his heart to fill the hunger, and hopes to quench his thirst. The direction of the orphanage there is a three-step stop to come to him. In the sun, his face was stained with blush, and he saw two eggs in the face of Lin Xin.

"Give it to you."

Lin Xin looked at the two eggs he held in his hand. The two eggs were like two fires, and she didn't dare to pick it up.

Lin Xinyu hurriedly asked: "Is there two foods? I only have so much."

The two groups of fires were like two balls rolling into her heart. She reached out and shrank back. She didn't dare to pick it up. Eggs and apples are luxury, she knows better than anyone else, how he got it. If I don't know what she still eats, I know how she can't eat it.

Lin Xin still hesitated, Zhao powerful step over there, quickly took away the eggs in the hands of Lin Xinyu, pinched the eggshell and fed it to his mouth. When Lin Xinyu reacted, he had already eaten one.

Lin Xinyu shouted: "This is not for you, get it back!"

Zhao Qiang smiled and said: "Do not give, do not give it." He said that he would squeeze another egg.

Lin Xinyu saw that he was not coming back, and he was in a hurry and rushed to grab it. Zhao Qiang did not expect that he would not say anything when he grabbed his usual things. Today, he was so violent, and he was not prepared to be thrown to the ground by him. The two quickly became a group.

Lin Xin was still sighing for Zhao Qiang's sudden take away of the egg. He also did not expect Lin Xinyu to fight for two eggs and Zhao Qiang. Both of them were already punished, and if they were known by the dean, they would have to turn over the ground if they said bad tomorrow.

Lin Xin loudly said: "Don't fight, Zhao Qiang tomorrow you want to turn over the ground, you will continue to fight."

Zhao Qiang did not really want to fight with Lin Xinyu, and then listened to Lin Xin saying that the eggs on the hand of Susong Song were returned to Lin Xinyu.

Lin Xinyu's goal is to get the egg. If he gets it, he will no longer be entangled with him. He will take the egg and send it to Lin Xin's eyes like a treasure. "Come on."

The egg was squashed, and the ugly one was like a glimpse. Lin Xin felt that she couldn't bear it. She still didn't want to pick it up.

Lin Xinyu cautiously asked: "You don't like it? I am going to find an apple."

Lin Xin nodded: "Like." She took the eggs, slowly peeled off the shell, and then fed the eggs one by one.

How is it still salty to eat? Unconsciously, tears dripped onto the eggs and ate into the mouth.

How long has she not cried? When I cried last time or when my parents passed away, it seemed like a century. For a long time, she forgot the feeling of crying.

In fact, this feeling is not bad, people will be worried when they are worried.