Chapter 55

Lin Xin had a bad eye, and she had to open her eyes and saw Li Ya's hand touched Lin Xinyu's body. It seems that the little boy who was shackled in the past, her mouth was blocked and could not speak, twisting her body to break free from the tongs. The dagger in Li Shunming's hand touched her waist, and she would be stabbed if she moved a little more.

Let her watch Lin Xinyu being stunned. She can't do it. She ignored the dagger on her waist and stood up suddenly. The dagger was drawn from her waist to the buttocks, and her clothes were cut to leave a long blood mark. Lin Xin gritted her teeth and kicked her back on Li Shunming.

Li Shunming didn't expect Lin Xin to be so embarrassed about himself. He was not afraid of death in the face of death. Was kicked half a meter away, he wanted to climb and grab Lin Xin. Lin Xinyu took Lin Xin over there, kicked him again and kicked him out a meter away.

He touched the blood of Lin Xin, took off the rag in her mouth, hugged her in panic, and wanted to go to the door. On the side of Li Ya hugged Lin Xin's thigh and shouted: "Xiaoyu, don't go, don't go."

Lin Xin was awake, she kicked Li Ya a foot, the strength is too small, no use, Li Ya hugged tighter.

At this time, Li Shunming climbed up and slowly came to them. He untied the jacket and exposed the explosives around his waist. The number of electronic seconds hand above is changing rapidly.

"See you, you are going to explode, you just have to die." He started the device before entering the house, and he planned to go with them.

He reached out and shouted Li Ya: "Uncle Xiao Yalai came here."

Li Ya shook his head: "I want to be with Xiaoyu."

Li Shunming lost his eyes, still gentle: "You come over, you will be together forever." "

Lin Xinyu Lan Zhao Lin Xin Ya dragged to the door, locked the door from the inside without a key open. It was useless for him to tap the door frame. He took out his mobile phone and called the outside person.

Lin Xin was so overwhelmed and looked at the number of beating. She told herself that she could not die like this. She still had a lot of things to do with Lin Xinyu. She endured the pain in her body and kicked off Li Ya on the leg of Lin Xinyu. She looked down on the ground like a queen: "President, I haven't seen you for a long time."

It's this look that makes Li Ya entangled in a nightmare. Is that what a 12-year-old child should have? Reappeared yesterday, he had a moment of sobriety, and saw Lin Xinyu, who grew up, a burst of embarrassment.

"Xiaoyu." The voice was low and there was no childishness.

Lin Xinyu knew that he was awake. He hated: "Don't call my name, you make me sick."

"But you never said it to me."

"That's because I am afraid, because I am weak, I am telling you now, I hate you, please stay away from me." He said something he dared not say a few years ago, and everything before it was said to be over. He no longer fears the things of the past and no longer feels dirty.

It's passed.

From the moment the new student started, he smiled and fascinated and said: "Do you like me very much? How much do you like? Can you die for me? If you die for me, I believe you like it very much." I."

Li Ya looked at him with a sly look, as if he saw a beautiful little child. Asking him a simple request, he always refused, and muttered in his mouth: "I will die for you, I will die for you." He looked like a demon, rushing to the floor-to-ceiling window.

"Xiaoya." Li Shunming shouted, did not catch him, watching him break through the glass and fell into the window. He jumped out of the window and hugged him. The two fell quickly and slammed in the air, shattering the glass of the tall building and falling like snowflakes. The sun reflects the multicolored light, like a jewel.

The door was opened from the outside, and Lin Xinyu hugged Lin Xin, yelling for an ambulance. He was running downstairs with Lin Xin, who was covered in blood. Lin Xin still has consciousness. She touched his face and said intermittently: "I am fine, don't worry."

"Don't talk, don't talk."

Lin Xin still has a lot to say to him: "I won't go." You have to wait for me..." I was

sent to the operating room, and Xiao Tian, ​​who followed him, sat on his side. On the day when Lin Xin was intercepted by Li Shunming, he also worried about Lin Xin's comfort and followed Lin Xinyu. He handed a bottle of water to Lin Xinyu, who took the water and took a sip.

The corridor was quiet and no one was coming and going. Xiao Tian remembered that the day before ten years ago, Lin Xinyu and Lin Xin pushed forward together, only Lin Xinyu came out. He opened the white sheets and Lin Xin quietly slept underneath. There is one heart missing from the chest.

At that time, he would marry Lin Xinyu.

Ten years later, he was still safe and sound, and she was still lying on her bed. No matter how the world changes, she still loves him like life.

Xiao Tian stood up and asked: "Do you hate me very much?"

Lin Xinyu put his arms on his legs and dropped his tears on the floor.

Xiao Tian no longer felt that he was a kind of cowardice. The tears flowed down his eyes and fell into his mouth. Salty and bitter.

The rescue room lights went out, and the doctor came from inside to tell the two people about the condition: "The internal organs are not injured, or the blood loss is too much. It is good to raise them quickly."

Lin Xinyu suddenly stood up and rushed to the operating room, being calm. Xiao Tian stopped: "Wait for the doctor to launch." The

doctor rushed Xiao Tian and nodded. "The patient, but also observe for half an hour. The nurse will come out."

Lin Xinyu hangs his head and stands like a puppy abandoned. Operating room door. He hurriedly grabbed the door handle with his hand and then repeatedly buckled the wooden door.

I don't know how long it took, the door opened from the inside. He rushed to hold Lin Xin's hand tightly, followed the sliding lathe and walked to the ward. He was standing next to Lin Xin and was reluctant to leave.

Xiao Tianwei followed him to the ward and looked at Lin Xin, who was pale and not bloody on the bed. He asked the doctor: "When will she wake up?" The

doctor turned over Lin Xin's medical record and said, "In general, the anesthetic will pass." Can wake up. But her body does not seem to be very good, I can't say this."

Xiao Tian plans to wait for Lin Xin to wake up and leave, he is sitting in front of the bed. Looking at Lin Xinyu, who was watching Lin Xin, asked: "When did you know that she was her?"

Lin Xinyu looked up and said: "See her for the second time."

Xiao Tian's heart was tight, and he knew what the gap between him and him was. He clearly had so many opportunities to recognize her, and he lost his hand.

How could she fall in love with someone who wants to hurt her.

Xiao Tian asked: "Why don't you hate me at all?"

Lin Xinyu said: "Why should I hate you? Buddha said: cause and effect. The result I am suffering now is the cause I planted. I don't complain or hate anything. Man."

He smiled slightly and was full of goodwill to the world. No matter how much suffering he experiences, he will treat his world with the best kindness in his childhood, as he was when he was a child.

Xiao Tian laughed, and finally it was clear. The character of the person determines 'destined'. He said to Lin Xinyu: "I will not wait for her to wake up. You should take care of her."

Lin Xin had a dream. In her dream, she was very light and floated outside the ward. It was Lin Xinyu who was wearing a sick suit. He was in a wheelchair, and he was not a human figure, his eyes were dull looking at the scenery outside the window.

When the scenery turns, it is the home of Hyelin. In the evening, he squatted in front of the refrigerator, stuffed his mouth into the mouth, stuffed two, and he ran to the bathroom to spit. After the spit, eat again and repeat until the dawn. Later, he got better and went to school like an ordinary child, working hard. He was admitted to the university, Cheng Qingrong and Hui Min were happy to make a table delicious. He put a pair of tableware on his side, Lin Xin floated down, he seemed to see her laughing over her. She had a piece of braised pork in her bowl and the meat was full of meat. Obviously in the dream, Lin Xin smelled the meat, she grabbed her hand, and the transparent body passed through the flesh.

At night, Lin Xinyu wrote a line in the diary: Lin Xin, I was admitted to college. I will finish the road you want me to finish, you have to wait for me at the end of the road.

He lay down on the bed, holding the big Teddy she had embraced, and buried her head in the pile of stuffed sock.

Lin Xin floated behind him and hugged him, trying to give him some comfort, but she couldn't touch Lin Xinyu at all. She was in a hurry, wandering around, accidentally hitting the big Teddy he was holding. She feels that she is no longer fluffy, and her body is warm. She opened her eyes and saw Lin Xinyu's head. She still wanted to touch it, and her hands seemed to be overwhelmed. She turned her eyes, and the chocolate fluff made her startled.

Is this worn on a teddy bear?

This is really bad, she mourns in her heart. At the same time, Lin Xinyu's body temperature made her feel very relieved. She felt that it was good to accompany him.

The next day she watched him get up and dress and go out, then come back to hold her to sleep in the evening. Day after day, I don't know how long it took, he left her with this room. Came to a big house. He lived a very regular day, got up at six in the morning and went to bed at eight in the evening. Sometimes he would sit on the balcony with her sun and it would be an afternoon. Sometimes, he will bathe her and throw it into the washing machine to stir her heart and liver. Then hang on the balcony with two large hangers to see the scenery in the distance.

She felt that this kind of day was a bit boring, and it was nothing compared to the days when she was bored with him every night.

I don't know how long it took, one day, Lin Xinyu brought back a woman. She couldn't see her looks on the sofa, only listening to the sounds.

"Your home is so big." She sat on Lin Xin's side and felt.

Lin Xin turned her eyes to see the woman's looks, and her hair was too much to cover her sight.

Lin Xinyu asked: "Do you want water?" Then handed a glass of water to her, sitting across from her and looking at her quietly and gently.

Wait, what is his look? Lin Xin really wants to fan him a slap in the face, looking at other women in her face.

When she is dead!

The woman looked around and her eyes fell on the teddy bear. She was curious: "This bear is old."

Lin Xin thought: old and old, you are old.

I can't wait for her to fan together, and the little three are going to the room. How can she endure?

The woman's hand touched her head and was about to pick her up. Suddenly, Lin Xinyu picked up the teddy bear and said, "Miss Han, you can't touch this. I am sorry, you have no place to sleep at night, I will send you to the hotel."

Lin Xinyu held the teddy bear in his arms, facing the woman. . Lin Xin Dingqing saw, how the woman opposite is familiar, and so on, she listened to Lin Xinyu called her 'Miss Han', she is Han Keman.

Memory poured into her soul, she felt a pain in her head, she was dead? Still not dead? Still dead? She can't tell the difference between those who are real memories. Is she Lin Xin? Or is Lin Shuxin? Or is Lin Xin in the orphanage? The memory is confusing, and the distortion of the picture is everywhere. She looks around with confusion and does not know where to go. She hugged her head on the ground. Is this a dream or a real existence? She doesn't know either.

Suddenly, this white voice sounded a clear male voice: "Do you think that because I am poor, low, short, not beautiful, I have no soul, no heart? You think wrong! My soul is like you, my heart is also You are exactly the same. This is my heart talking to your heart, as if we have crossed the grave and stood at the feet of God, we are equal. Because we are equal!"

"Lin Xin, I think This book is not good at all. Next time I will read your favorite "Journey to the West"."

That sunny afternoon, she slept on the table, he remembered the notes and told her: 'I have a heart Little secret, do you want to know? Let the wind tell you quietly, I like you, really like it. '

This is a dream, it is not real, only the talent waiting for her is really true. She is going to leave here and go see him.

Lin Xin tried his best to open his eyes and saw Lin Xindi bow his head to sort out the book.

She whispered, "Hey, how long have I slept?"

Lin Xinyu paused, and the book on his hand fell to the ground, turning his head slowly and slowly. The sluggish face showed a smile: "Not long, not long... "