Living Together!!!!????

Elsa was speechless hearing his answer she thought he will her say no but he said yes was he that free person. And what guarantee is that he will protect in every possible way. What if he is doing all this because he is my father's business partner or he has some ill intentions. Even if he doesn't have ill intention cant' he protects me while I'm staying in the hostel.

She cooked a plan and nodded in agreement with her plan, she smiled and said: "But I have one condition if I have to live with Li Qiang."

Mr.Rhodes felt somewhat confused did he took the wrong step did he didn't consider her daughter's feeling and said: "What is it, my child ?"

While Li Qiang was happy to see her wife like this she knew to be conscious all the time and don't like to be close with rich men like other women do. He answered, "I will do everything to fulfil her wishes."

Hearing this Elsa 's heartfelt little bit at ease and said "My condition is I will stay one month in hostel proving myself that I can protect myself if in that period I'm attacked or I'm gravely hurt because of someone's ill intentions, which will lead to proving myself wrong and I will live with Li Qiang ."

Li Qiang smiled inwardly, this silly girl still wants to prove her after what happened to her. Others women might grab this opportunity to be close with Li Qiang. But Elsa was different she knew what's right and wrong and remember to take others feeling in consideration also.

He answered, "Alright in that one month I will protect you from shades but if I ever find you under attack you have to come to my apartment."

Seeing both agree Mr.Rhodes said "If both of you agree then I will also. But only one month. After that, you will leave your hostel and you also need to make friends at that time only. Afterwards, you will not be able to spend much like living in a hostel.

Elsa felt relieved in heart she praises herself for this plan heart and said: "Okay father" smiling towards Li Qiang.

' In one month I will make sure to get to the main man behind the attack.'

After the dinner, the trio went to the garden to take some fresh air and discuss random stuff.

As the day was coming to end Li Qiang, Elsa, Secretary Kim bid their goodbyes and left the mansion.

On the way, Li Qiang was happy about living together he prepared mentally to-do list to prepare everything. He was going to renovate the house and hire a security guard and a lot of work is also left. He will make sure that he will prepare everything she will live in comfort in his house.

While Elsa was planning how to find the real culprit. She promised herself that she will surely take revenge for her best friend. She never thought that someone will have grudge against. She started reviewing her memories but couldn't find anything about anyone. She decided she will dig information about kidnappers she will get lead.

Soon they reached Elsa's house. Elsa saw her whole house surrounded with bodyguards with the proper uniform it looked like some VIP was living here. She understood that this work must be the work of Li Qiang seeing Li Corporation name.

She looked at Li Qiang with an angry face yet calm " Li Qiang I don't' t think I need all those bodyguards to protect me. It is more than enough"

Li Qiang felt helpless he thought that all these securities were not enough for her to protect and what to do more but here is she's saying that this is more than enough "

He answered"It's fine now that you are living under protection you will have this much security everywhere. I am going appoint more security to you it is not enough"

Elsa "_"

Li Qiang"What if you don't want to live with them you can to shift to my house there is not may bodyguard but the security is strict with technology, not even a fly can enter without my permission.

Elsa "_"

Elsa quickly got off the car waved at him from outside and quickly went inside her house. She knew if she will protest more she might end up in his house. She doesn't want to live with him unless she is hurt.

Li Qiang smiled seeing how Elsa ran away. 'He knew she will not live him until they are in the relationship.'

Elsa opened her house she closed behind the door she glanced her whole room.

'I was not here for one day and I miss this house so much. It's so like my hiding place.'

She saw her watch it was 11:00 pm. She quickly went to her room took a bath, changed into PJ's and went to her mirror to do her skincare routine.

Secretary Kim sitting in the front was also laughing in his heart. He asked

"Sir, can we go now?"

Li Qiang glanced at the window for 30 minutes until the lights of her bedroom were on. Seeing she is safe. He answered "Let's go"

On the way

Li Qiang was watching the outside calm scene. It was at 11 pm. There were only a few cars on the road. The driver drove the car at higher speed without any hesitation. Li Qiang cleared his throat and said " Secretary Kim get the best interior design and redesign the room. And prepare the guest room beside my room for Elsa. "

Secretary Kim eyes popped out hearing this his master never brought any women to his home. He doesn't like talking to women and maintains a good distance let alone a woman living with him.

Secretary Kim smiled and said " Yes sir "

He smiled in his heart

'Oh god looks like Miss Elsa will warm his master heart looks like I will be experiencing a lot of shocks from now .'

After a 30 minutes ride, they reached their hotel. Li Qiang quickly went to his room.

He sat on his bed took his phone out of his pocket and started typing the message. He finished his message and when he was about to send the message he deleted it and retyped the message again after a few times changing the message. Li Qiang sighed 'It's really difficult to write a message for a girl, should I just say goodnight or something about today's event or about the staying with me.' After changing the message a few times he finally pushed the send option. He was finally satisfied with the message. He quickly went for a bath.

Elsa in her room had just finished skincare routine and was turning her room's light off. Suddenly her phone buzzed. She took her phone out of her purse and saw that it was a message from Li Qiang she opened the messaged and her jaw dropped.

The message stated that " Just one month and you will sleep in my house. Sleep tight. Good Night"

' This man is so shameless.'

Feeling embarrassed she quickly kept her phone back on the table switched the light's off and went to sleep.

Next day Elsa went to the hospital to meet Anne. .It was Elsa was there the whole day accompanying Anne. They chatted, eat foods, and laughed together as it was their last day together in this country.

Li Qiang' bodyguards were outside the room protecting both Anne and Elsa.

In the room

"Elsa I'm getting bored all day here let's go somewhere, my plaster is also removed and I can run also. Please let's go somewhere" Anne said while making puppy eyes.

Elsa smiled and said"So you want to go somewhere mm.. But what about guards they will follow us everywhere."

"Let's escape then you know how to " Anne giggled.

Anne and Elsa started laughing and making a plan.

After a while outside the room

Suddenly the bodyguards noticed there 's no noise coming out of the room for about 20 minutes.

They felt somewhat uneasy so one of the bodyguards opened the door to check.

He shouted "Call the boss both miss are missing"

Everyone entered the room and saw there was a note lying there " We will come after a while. Don't you dare to follow us."

One of them said "Sir it looks like they went from the window"

The leader shouted "Find them they haven't gone too far"