While this fiction contains forms of hate speech and bigotry I do not nor will ever endorse such behaviors in any shape or form. This is a fiction taking place in a dystopia and the disgusting rhetoric is purely characterization and not my personal philosophy. I was myself a victim of hate-crimes and will always do my best to fight against such damaging actions and ideas. Due to these hate-crimes and harassment, while young I developed complex PTSD, this book is partly a way for me to exorcise my own demons. Keep in mind that I might have long periods of inactivity as a writer due to crippling anxiety. I will do my best to give you what I can but I won't jeopardize my health just for your entertainment. I'm sorry this is the case but I can't write anything when I'm in bad shape anyway so... irregularity or abandonment of a 10 years+ project. Finally, I'm not a native English speaker as you'll figure out soon, I do my best, but I don't have money to get someone to edit this book. I can only count on you guys to raise red flags as you see them. Alright, I won't fuss anymore, I wish you good reading and a great fucking day (just kidding). Oh, right, forgot to say, for an easier read, only text between " " is said verbally, the rest is either narration or dialogue and thoughts exchanged between Kate and her brain implant.